Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 1463

No argument.
The forest in my opinion is a database with fast access.
About 3 years ago I was making a template finder on MySQL. Among a million examples searched for the 10-20 most similar ones with 50 columns. It took me about 1 second to do the math. Forest is hundreds or thousands of times faster to find a sheet in which these 10-20 examples are collected.
Rather PLM, or, less correctly, an associative array.

So, by the way, I can't imagine ATS without DB for several years. I used to use Access or SQL Server, now I use SQLite - it is very simple and nice)).

Yuriy Asaulenko:
He remembers everything perfectly well at the level of logic. If he doesn't, it's a problem with the task.
So, earlier in this thread it was shown that the forest does anexcellent jobof predicting real market BPs. By the way, I didn't show it, but it was trained on my data.

))))) was funny again, thanks Guru Teacher

Прогнозирование цены нейросетью. 2
Прогнозирование цены нейросетью. 2
  • 2019.02.25
Сейчас я решил монетизировать  результаты прогноза, и посмотреть, можно ли из этого прогноза извлечь реальную пользу. Для этого на графике сравнивались результата прогноза и смещение реальной цены на интервале 5 м. Вначале график самого прогноза, где сравнивается мат.ожидание (М) прогноза смещения с реальным смещением М цены. И теперь график...
Maxim Dmitrievsky:

))))) I laughed again, thank you Teacher of Teachers

If you do not understand anything, then continue in the same spirit. I say, you need to see a psychiatrist.
Zy The comment was written in general stupidity.
Yuriy Asaulenko:
Well, if you do not understand anything, then continue in the same spirit. I say you need to see a psychiatrist.
Zy The comment is silly written in general.

Have you already learned to distinguish standard deviation from RMS?

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

have you learned to distinguish the standard deviation from the standard deviation?

Boy, go for a walk.
Yuriy Asaulenko:
Boy, go for a walk.

In short, either you don't... brain or I do not know, can not help

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

In short, either you don't... brain or I do not know, can not help

You need to see a psychiatrist.
Yuriy Asaulenko:
You need to see a psychiatrist.

Don't interfere with people's communication, go back to growing cucumbers

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

Don't interfere with people's communication, go back to growing cucumbers.

Moderators, how long will this idiocy go on?
Kindergarten level, all he has to do is make faces and show his tongue.
Stop this nonsense, please.

Asaulenka, did you want a war? You'll crawl on your knees and ask for forgiveness when you understand what it says (maybe in your next life)