There certainly is a Holy Grail! - page 12

Marco vd Heijden:

It's impossible to predict the future.

I dont care how many examples you come up with. 

And if your so sure give me the closing price of EURUSD on 1 Apr '18

Guessing starts here .....

Want to look at the chart ? take your time.

In near future EUR can loose after Italy elections this is the system to guess otherwise there is no magic 


It's just ironic.

It is ironic that these fortune tellers claim to be able to predict the future, which is impossible.

The ironic part is that it is not needed to predict the future in order to trade profitable.

This makes any attempt at predicting the future, which is impossible, futile.

Now if you didn't know this, then it would be somewhat understandable to keep trying.

But to keep trying, while you know it's not possible, and know it's not needed must be described by other words..

And this just goes on and on, nobody would even consider trying to figure out how to trade profitable without predicting the future.

In stead they all hold on to the impossible.

Ironic, and weird.
And if your so sure give me the closing price of EURUSD on 1 Apr '18

wé mais ... the closing price !! Here's a well known mathematical concept called probability - by seeing that, would you go long or short ? would you expect a higher price or a lower price ? 

Icham Aidibe:

wé mais ... the closing price !! Here's a well known mathematical concept called probability - by seeing that, would you go long or short ? would you expect a higher price or a lower price ? 

Buy high, sell low. Some say Buy low, sell high. Who knows?

Enrique Dangeroux:

Buy high, sell low. Some say Buy low, sell high. Who knows?

Yeah who knows, okay not 100% ! always a risk, always unexpected announcement, events - but obviously you can have a very clear idea of what will happen next. 

Icham Aidibe:

Yeah who knows, okay not 100% ! always a risk, always unexpected announcement, events - but obviously you can have a very clear idea of what will happen next. 

Maybe you have. I have not.

To illustrate my point, see the bigger picture.

Enrique Dangeroux:

Maybe you have. I have not.

To illustrate my point, see the bigger picture.

Why do you insist for it to be a gambling game ? It is a very curious approach of the thing, even not realistic - pessimistic.

Recently, SnapChat lost a billion after Kylie Jenner talks bad about.

If Italy leaves the eurozone, EURUSD go up.

A 19 year old becomes a millionaire buying BTCUSD when trending up. 

Drought times, farmers complain.

etc ....

All of that are unexpected events, for which the reaction is obvious.


I do not consider trading to be the same as gambling.  Drawing a line on a chart and say you have a very clear idea of what happens next, that i consider gambling.

Enrique Dangeroux:

I do not consider trading to be the same as gambling.  Drawing a line on a chart and say you have a very clear idea of what happens next, that i consider gambling.

I don't consider it as being gambling. It's not the conclusion of a whole panel of indicators - some use all of them in their strategies - but it's enough. 

Because let me tell you, that to the direction you open, another factor is taken in account. Risk Reward. You can win only 40% of your deals and get out with a huge profit.

Where's the luck ? 


Some futures you can predict, i can predict when the next lunar eclipse will happen, i can predict at what time tomorrow the sun will appear, of course nothing is 100% guaranteed, so forex is the same, and not 100% predictable, but do you need it to be 100% to make profit?

warren buffet

james simons

jesse livermore

nicolar darvas

... basically any successful trader that uses technical analysis or fundamentalists, prove that you can make money predicting the future, not 100%, but enough to make lots of money, they predict using the past