Experiments ... - page 79

I didn't mean that you should change to another platform, but in general. We aren't married with MT4/5. I saw the prices for some indicators like a simple RSX for other platforms. Holy Mule... Many platforms aren't properly usable, some even don't provide volume ticks, or the platform isn't available for Linux/Andoid (or Mac) and so on. Yes, MT4 is ok, has a huge community and is good for learning. On the other hand many things could be made better. I'd appreciate to see a usable DOM on MT5 if you can trade futures with it, a build-in calender that leaves a discreet pop-up before heavy-impact news. And I hope that the MQ4 can easily and quick be converted. I don't need chating plug-ins or signal following non-sense, I want to experiment and have flexibility and less bugs. Then I'm satisfied.


  Nothing is against,but all and every point is in favor (in a lot of manners) to MT4/5 comparing to any other platform,just it would not announce harassment news :):) before some thing they do at a perfect functional level, though updates employ time to time to make things bug free ..... MT4 is our old friend we meet every day,we work every day together,he (mt4) never became angry with us,he never minds any thing,never complain for any thing,never demand any thing,we find him all time ready for us with out time limitations and schedules,never tired,never sleep,never eat/drink,have you ever compared it to other friends .... but we also gave it a lot of our time and efforts and good wills too so we can bear his forth coming little sister MT5 too being a broad mind :) :)



  Nothing is against,but all and every point is in favor (in a lot of manners) to MT4/5 comparing to any other platform,just it would not announce harassment news :):) before some thing they do at a perfect functional level, though updates employ time to time to make things bug free ..... MT4 is our old friend we meet every day,we work every day together,he (mt4) never became angry with us,he never minds any thing,never complain for any thing,never demand any thing,we find him all time ready for us with out time limitations and schedules,never tired,never sleep,never eat/drink,have you ever compared it to other friends .... but we also gave it a lot of our time and efforts and good wills too so we can bear his forth coming little sister MT5 too being a broad mind :) :)

The market is our friend, not MT4 which is only a vehicle. There are many other vehicles to go to our friend with. I appreciate that you can use MT4 for free and you can learn the first steps very well with it, but there must be more - and there is. (Most) Professionals don't use MT4, have you ever wondered why this is so? And no, I never fell in love with MT4, sorry to say that. The only 'program' I ever fell in love with was Linux Mint Helena.


I am aware of that but, the same as you, I am aware that those features are not going to change anything. Those are not deciding factors and, for now, metatrader has the upper hand regardless of the short term panic caused by the recent announcements of changes

"panic caused by the recent announcements of changes"  --- care to elaborate or even better, where can I find this and future announcements?  Metaquotes.net has nothing about it.  This sites forum is hard to search.
"panic caused by the recent announcements of changes"  --- care to elaborate or even better, where can I find this and future announcements?  Metaquotes.net has nothing about it.  This sites forum is hard to search.
Check this (among other places) : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/187199

The market is our friend, not MT4 which is only a vehicle. There are many other vehicles to go to our friend with. I appreciate that you can use MT4 for free and you can learn the first steps very well with it, but there must be more - and there is. (Most) Professionals don't use MT4, have you ever wondered why this is so? And no, I never fell in love with MT4, sorry to say that. The only 'program' I ever fell in love with was Linux Mint Helena.


Did you check the latest easy language implementation (the latest OO things they are pushing)?

If we think that it is complicated to migrate to mt5, I can just imagine what are tradestation users facing



Did you check the latest easy language implementation (the latest OO things they are pushing)?

If we think that it is complicated to migrate to mt5, I can just imagine what are tradestation users facing

You mean OOEL. Didn't take a deeper look, but I know C# and C++ a bit. I can imagine, too :)
You mean OOEL. Didn't take a deeper look, but I know C# and C++ a bit. I can imagine, too :)
Now what they were proud at (rightfully) that their code can be written in a few lines, has to be written in a few thousand lines. Mt5 goes in opposite direction : right now my versions for mt5 are shorter and shorter (and simpler) - each and every day the code gets shorter, and the shorter the code the less possibility the there will be an error

Hmm, I do not care if I must use MT5 instead of the good old MT4, although MT5 is not young either. As long as I can apply the many indicators I'm using now on MT4,  on MT5, I'm satisfied.

And if the codes for MT5 are shorter, it will hopefully work faster. 

Now what they were proud at (rightfully) that their code can be written in a few lines, has to be written in a few thousand lines. Mt5 goes in opposite direction : right now my versions for mt5 are shorter and shorter (and simpler) - each and every day the code gets shorter, and the shorter the code the less possibility the there will be an error

You mean it's similar to the evolution of underwear? (distinct proof of global warming)

Actually, MT5 was my first FX and trading platform ever and when I had to switch to MT4 I thought it is MT5 for pedestrians. We will see. It won't hit me hard to go back to MT5 (Wulong will have a bit more to do ;) and you guide us, right? What happens with the indis one bought on the market? Have the .ex5 versions to be repaid?

PS: You make errors?


You mean it's similar to the evolution of underwear? (distinct proof of global warming)

Actually, MT5 was my first FX and trading platform ever and when I had to switch to MT4 I thought it is MT5 for pedestrians. We will see. It won't hit me hard to go back to MT5 (Wulong will have a bit more to do ;) and you guide us, right? What happens with the indis one bought on the market? Have the .ex5 versions to be repaid?

PS: You make errors?


Yes I make errors too :)

As of market stuff : I honestly don't know.