Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 214


mql4 com will not be supported any more. Metatrader will shift all to mql4 site

so much about what are they planing to do (nobody there had imagination enough to redirect all to "metatrader" for example, so that when the decide to make "revolutionary" metatrader 777 next year, they don't have to change the site name)


Latest scamm is that people are offered MT4 API update

There is no metatrader API (never was, never will)

"MQL4 Ranked Among the Most Popular Programming Languages by TIOBE"

I can't see mql4 being mentioned so can you ? JavaScript programming language of 2014! TIOBE Software: The Coding Standards Company

I can't see mql4 being mentioned so can you ? JavaScript programming language of 2014! TIOBE Software: The Coding Standards Company

in the "The Next 50 Programming Languages" (out the first 50 coding languages, unranked, just mentioned )


The honorable mention goes tooooo ...........mql4

The honorable mention goes tooooo ...........mql4

That was probably a typo there :):)


Tried to decipher the position for mql from the tiny picture metatrader posted and the best I can see is that metatrader was photoshopping the list - the "list" is fake since tiobe does not publish a list for places over 50 (mql 93th) and metatrader placed there that mql was 9th in 2013 which is nothing but a wet dream

Tried to decipher the position for mql from the tiny picture metatrader posted and the best I can see is that metatrader was photoshopping the list - the "list" is fake since tiobe does not publish a list for places over 50 (mql 93th) and metatrader placed there that mql was 9th in 2013 which is nothing but a wet dream

Not even the paintshopping was done properly


I was trying to find where was mql ranked, and oddly could not find a single example where mql was listed (not just mentioned), Strange thing done by MQ this time


Actually whats the progress with MT4 lately in the recent builds. Are they slowing down in releasing massive numbers of cranky updates? Maybe planning something different to solve the problems or just giving up altogether and let Metatrader die.

Was searching for email address of their CEO but sadly didnt manage to find it. I suppose their CEO might have drank too many Vodkas to stay sober this past few months...

