Big changes for MT4, in a few weeks - page 195


Within the same article:

"In other markets in which proprietary platforms have dominated the electronic trading landscape, such as Britain due to the nature of its spread betting and CFD-orientated ecosystem, quite the contrary has occurred, with ETX Capital, IG Group and most recently City Index all having onboarded MetaTrader 4 in order to appeal to a wider international audience"

MT4 is still ongoing as is. No major changes for brokers


You are right. But that is bad news for us (metatrader users) since metatrader will not do anything to clean up metatrader as long as their primary customers are not concerned about the bs state that the trading platform is in now


Build 745 scheduled for tomorrow

Soon we shall have the 777

Build 745 scheduled for tomorrow Soon we shall have the 777

Just a quote from a "happy" user :

Since version 735 including 738

- User interface became corrupted

- Dialog subwindow apears with text "A required resourse was "

- Sound like horn.

- Terminal became unusable and can be closed only from task manager.
Just a quote from a "happy" user :

Too much examples like that


Every new build seems to bring up old bugs of the past. & bug patching continuously hasnt ended after so many months. This has the strong feel of the coding foundation having structural problems. The best way to move forward is to bring back the old stable working build. It would be nice if we could have a way to petition Metatrader to do so.

A small Band-Aid isnt enough to stop a pipe with a big hole.

Every new build seems to bring up old bugs of the past. & bug patching continuously hasnt ended after so many months. This has the strong feel of the coding foundation having structural problems. The best way to move forward is to bring back the old stable working build. It would be nice if we could have a way to petition Metatrader to do so. A small Band-Aid isnt enough to stop a pipe with a big hole.

As much as I agree with you, I think that you too know what would happen in a case of some petition.

Just one example : for years metatrader has been repeatedly told and shown that metatrader ADX is not ADX. They have been even sent the code that solves the problems (I know at least two men done that : linuxser and me). And they did nothing. Not important how did they refuse to correct the problem (and it was anything by civilized) but the fact that they were fulling a lot of people that were trying to implement trading systems from other trading platforms using ADX and they could not understand why, for example, a trading system from tradestation worked OK and when transferred to metatrader it was a disaster.


Petition would only give them wings in their belief that they are doing something exceptional. As long as they do not get ignored in their "hey guys, here is another beta, now you are going to test it for free and then we are going to sell that ... to brokers" things, nothing is going to be changed in this "new" betatrader


The way they are doing, they will always stay betatrader


Looks like new build (735 and higher) are all using strict mode for testing. If that is so, almost all code will have to be rewritten before being able to test it (or there will be no testing at all)

Looks like new build (735 and higher) are all using strict mode for testing. If that is so, almost all code will have to be rewritten before being able to test it (or there will be no testing at all)

You are probably righ

Checked what types of errors are people getting and complaining of, and almost always it is arrays out of range (or similar). That error is typical for a code that counts on compatibility with previous builds and if strict is applied to such code, ion a lot of cases (I estimate at least 60-70% of old code) the code will need to be rewritten to be usable in a strict mode