Requests & Ideas - page 584

The ROC would be the input used to calculate the RSI. The indicator is found in Laurence Connors book Street Smarts; it's used as a short term (1 or 2 day) flip in prices. If you have access to book, take a look at momentum pinball section.  

Try this one


Dear Mladen,

Can you please update this indicator with latest set of averages?

 Thank you very much.

Latest Averages "averages - mtf - alerts 8.3" can be used for that purpose alternatively.

Dear sir mladen, 

 Please help me in 


Is the histo version of this indicator already made??

Please help... 

Here is the histogram version of the high low channel (activator) of averages


Here is the histogram version of the high low channel (activator) of averages

Thanks you so much sir,


Try this one

Thank you for taking the time to put that together; I think it will work.


Hi, could you please add the price to this floating candle timer. I know there are price displays available but nothing compares to have it floating with the price action. Can one give it a try, please! Thank you!


Hi, could you please add the price to this floating candle timer. I know there are price displays available but nothing compares to have it floating with the price action. Can one give it a try, please! Thank you!


That indicator does not use price in calculation at all. How should it use it then?



That indicator does not use price in calculation at all. How should it use it then?

Yes, mLaden, I know.  If I understand your question correctly, I was thinking whether it was possible to add the code to display the current price beside the candle time.


Yes, mLaden, I know.  If I understand your question correctly, I was thinking whether it was possible to add the code to display the current price beside the candle time.

Why don't you use daily data, for example, instead? It has all the elements, it updates the timer even when there are no ticks coming in, and it has all what you need already included