IMax Indicator - page 12


iMAX and iMAXhp comments....

Maybe I should say something more about the differences between these similar indicators...

Before, anyone decides to toss out their iMAX indicators in favor of iMAXhp...

The one really good characteristic of iMAX the original is it's resistance to price spikes... it is really a good indicator in spikey price action, and that can make a big difference in profitability... in those kind of market conditions.

However, iMAXhp is more responsive and makes a potential improvement in profitability by detecting trend changes quicker... but, like I said in the very beginning, there are always compromises... So, we have two very good tools here... and a trader could apply the best tool to the market conditions they are observing, and iMAX and iMAXhp I think give a very good option for switching between a responsive indicator and a tougher spike resistant indicator with similar characteristics.

There is also a possibility that an intelligent choice between the two can be automated... a hybrid... so I will be looking at that I am sure in the future.

But, I just thought I would mention this so folks can consider the fact that iMAX the original is still a good tool... even though I think both are good to have.


I am not sure about your application yet... I may try to take a look, but I am doing my taxes for last year.... so I am very busy otherwise.

I would have to post a whole series of photos to support what I say now... but, I spent all day today doing nothing but observing iMAXhp and the applications I just now attached work together flawlessly... their trends all match.

Now, in the coding for iMAXhp... the phases have actually swapped, but I adjusted for that so that people using iMAX could simply rename the iMAX filename referenced in the iCustom statements, and they should work interchangeably in that respect. I would note that iMAX the original, does have a phase shift parameter that should be specified, and wasn't in kang_guns iMAX Detector. And if it is specified, then it needs to be removed when replacing iMAX with iMAXhp.

One visual quirk on the chart when iMAXhp is used is that sometimes the trendlines are going up... or down but the phases may actually be indicating the opposite trend... You have to carefully look and see which phase is on top or below the other... not the direction they pointing in! That is why I try to standardize the coloring of the phases with my indicators so I have a color reference for what is an up trend or a down trend... and this is especially important with iMAXhp.

Now, I just posted an enhanced version of kang_gun's MTF Detector, so that there would be an example or template for contributors like yourself could use as an example to base your own code upon... and I think you could do that first... and that would be an opportunity to enhance you own code and debug at the same time... then if there are more problems... I could probably look over what you have done.... I know I looked briefly, and basically you are following kang_guns coding... and I think he can answer questions about that directly... If you follow mine then it's easier for me to answer questions about that. Anyway that's what I can say for now... It actually would probably be easier for me to just do the coding rather than troubleshoot someone else's... you know how true that is!!!

Talk to you later... back to work on taxes...


Wiley; problems with JPY

Thank you Wiley for the new imaxhp

However, there are problems with the couples that the JPY uses, not you the reason, but both line of the iMAXhp, they join when he/she puts on in even with this currency.

Thank you

imaxhp.jpg  22 kb
imax.jpg  25 kb

Attached are the iMAXhp adaptations to the original indicators... iMAX, iMAXalert, and iMAX MTF Detector by kang_gun.

or like this,few more hp

p.s. W., what is wecvolatility ind. on your chart? can you post it?

imaxhpm1x.mq4  4 kb

fxbs WECvolatility

What sharp eyes you have... I didn't remove that indicator when I took the chart photo...

WEC naturally stands for Wile E. Coyote... and all my experimental stuff has WEC designations... and this is an experimental indicator.... originally my programming efforts went into EA development, but then I started taking on indicator programming... and have been testing and now developing many types of indicators, and WECvolatility is one of them.

Some of the research I am doing you could call cutting edge stuff so to speak... and is not available for public distribution... like iMAX itself... I have a higher speed version of that... but, I start messing with Ehler's calculations to accomplish that... and I am not prepared to go public with modifying the great works of our time... could be embarassing if they didn't really work out... or if they do... then I have to determine that.... so WECvolatility falls into the catagory of proprietary research. However, I am making available works that fall into the catagory of universally useful tools for trading... and I actually think iMAX is an indicator that will stand up as a standard indicator of sorts... like Schaff trend cycle or something like that. And, I may try to help educate less experienced or less capable traders to the point where they can begin to do things for themselves... which is the real exciting part of a trading practice for me... to improve myself, and learn more, and become more capable of developing things required in a professional trading practice... as I hope is the desire of all serious traders. Besides... I have already seen people here take work contributed and integrate it into their own work? template? whatever, paste a prior copyright on it... credit themselves and their friends... as if they did something really great... so I think I am big enough to contribute things that might draw some vulturous responses, and it doesn't really bother me... but, because of such behavior, I will not be posting anything of any consequence to my own trading practice. That doesn't mean what I choose to contribute isn't worthwhile... some think it is, and I am really actually very happy about that, because some people will actually learn something in that process, who might really deserve enlightenment, but not everyone.

And I will reveal one thing about myself and my interests... I do not sell coding or coding services. I use my own skills in my own trading practice... nothing more... If I can't make a profit there why would I try to foist anything that I know dosn't work on to someone else??? And, if it does... then I should be able to make a living at my own trading practice... but, I also have a theory about that... if everyone were to use the same trading methods... they will surely fail, because the market punishes people who all show up at the same time, trying to do the same thing... I believe there are many profitable solutions for trading... and we need to collectively as professional traders approach the market with diverse methods if we all want to prosper... So, each of us has our work cut out for us to accomplish that.


Mismatches between iMAXhp and iMAXhp Detector... big issue!

There was a report of slight mismatches between the phase signals displayed by iMAXhp and the arrow directions given by the iMAXhp Fast Trend Detector...

I have been watching this, because most of the time they are in sync, but occasionally... a slight miss, that corrects itself after a tick or two or three.

I have seen nothing in the code for the indicators that causes this... but there is another issue that I think accounts for this phenomenon, and it gets into a very serious issue that I tried to raise with MetaQuotes about MT4 itself, and as usual, they are unresponsive to me... so far... and I suspect that will remain the case... so I am going to go on a limb here, and say something, but leave it up to you to prove this for yourself... and if you do you just might benefit for doing it.

I can write an indicator that does nothing but read another indicator and output what it has read. (I suggest doing this for yourself if you can). Now it's output should match it's input, right? On MT4 it doesn't... not for me... there are occasional gaps in the data, and even more important the levels sometimes do not match... So what is the impact? For me as a coder I see occasional misses in indicator crossings. Now this is serious because if true, then this will cause trading losses. For me it did, and I believe I have tracked down the problem, and it appears nothing is going to be done about it...

Does this mean we are all in trouble? No... what I also found is that what I described is the problem.... don't read another indicator into an indicator or EA if you can help it. When an indicator or EA does it's own calculations, they turn out to be correct, and the code runs great. The iMAX MTF Fast Trend Detector reads the iMAXhp indicator values into it, then processes them. If what I have said is true about MT4, then we will get an occasional miss in the signals displayed, and it appears that we do. So, if the iMAXhp MTF Fast Trend Detector is rewritten so that the indicator iMAXhp is brought into the code for the code for the iMAXhp MTF Fast Trend Detector I would say that it is very probable that there will be no misses in it's calculations, and that iMAX the indicator will now match exactly the arrow signals given by the detector.

But, then you run into issues in the real world of integrating other peoples copyrighted work into other peoples work, when one person writes an indicator, and another writes another program that uses it... and it appears there would be problems with that too, so for my part... I am beginning to wonder whether we can work together as a functional community for mutual benefit or not?

Personally I find it overwhelming to try to change world, and far more efficient to stick to benefiting my own interests... and retire to working at my own trading practice without public involvment of any kind.... So the most important thing I might have contributed so far, in my opinion... is to alert users that maybe they should not use an indicator or EA to read another indicator on MT4. On the other hand, if that is the case... it becomes very difficult to have different people work on project pieces when they might not receive credit or compensation in the real world for what they do... because of the behavior of their peers.

My discovery is that if you want to be a professional trader you have to do everything, and prove everything for your own benefit, or you are a victim in the making. That is why it so important as a professional trader to learn everything you can about everything. Don't say you are a trader but not a coder... and expect the world will still come to you somehow, because it won't, you can be hurt by what you don't know! Don't follow other people's advise blindly... test and measure everything for yourself.



Thanks for the photo... that helps sooooo much to see what the problem is... it is really not a serious problem at all.

That is caused by the setting of the Ph2step parameter in the indicator... it sets the amplitude of the phase shift for the indicator... I tried to make it universal... but, clearly I have it set for use on EURUSD...

It is hard to make such things truly universal... so, because of the big difference in price in the JPY currency... the Ph2step will definitely have to be adjusted in that currency... and, in each timeframe in that currency... so apparently users will have some work to do to adjust iMAXhp to a currency other than EURUSD which has those settings programmed into to the indicator.

To adjust the values of Ph2step parameter you need to open the iMAXhp.mq4 in your MetaEditor and look for this switch function in the initialization part of the code....


{case PERIOD_M1: Ph2step = 0.0001; break;

case PERIOD_M5: Ph2step = 0.00015; break;

case PERIOD_M15: Ph2step = 0.00030; break;

case PERIOD_M30: Ph2step = 0.0006; break;

case PERIOD_H1: Ph2step = 0.0012; break;

case PERIOD_H4: Ph2step = 0.0024; break;

case PERIOD_D1: Ph2step = 0.0048; break;

case PERIOD_W1: Ph2step = 0.0084; break;

case PERIOD_MN1: Ph2step = 0.0168; break;}

You can see the various values preset for EURUSD... now if you reduce the size of your Meta editor window so that you can see beyond the right hand side of it's window to an open MT4 chart/currency and timeframe, you can adjust the Ph2step parameter, and watch the change in the width of the phase shift by the indicator on that timeframe and currency pair by recompiling the indicator code with the change... However... that will change the indicator for use in the new currency... so you might want to or have to rename the indicator file before you recompile it... to something like iMAXhpUSDJPY... this will create a new indicator for that currency pair... and apparently this type of phase shift will have to be adapted to each currency pair that has a significant difference in value compared to the originally programmed EURUSD version of iMAXhp.

I don't trade JPY currencies... so someone might want to explore optimal values for this indicator on that currency pair or any others useful, then post the optimal values for others adapt their iMAXhp indicators to... From that, maybe I can put them all into a more automated version of iMAXhp in the future that will adjust itself to more currencies and timeframes.

The impact of this revelation is that if you are developing a dashboard type of display and want to use iMAXhp then an iMAXhp indicator for each currency and timeframe within that currency has to be prepared... so there is a lot of work to developing a well behaved dashboard! But, even using other indicators... they also need to be tuned for optimal behavior... otherwise they are just in the ballpark so to speak in their accuracy. And, by comparison... iMAXhp is fairly easy to tune... you can adjust the phase step, and see the exact results on the chart your are tuning the indicator for... and there is only one parameter to set and one effect to watch for... the width of the phase shift on the chart. Once those settings are made you have a tuned indicator for that currency.

Also, if optimal settings are posted for the various currencies for iMAXhp... then a series of indicators for each currency pair can be prepared, and stored here... under different names like iMAXhpEURUSD or iMAXhpUSDJPY... then that will save some work for others and make the job of building dashboards a lot simpler.


Integrated indicator / detector

Here is a copy of the iMAXhp Fast Trend Detector where I have built in the indicator itself into the detector...

The photo below is of the M1 EURUSD chart with the integrated indicator showing both phase signals in the price area of the chart and the MTF display in upper right hand corner of the chart. The prices on M1 just switched to a down trend indicated accurately as a weak downtrend by the MTF display.

There is no difference in the code for either of the original indicators, other than they have been combined... you can check this for yourself.

So, when you use this version, you do not have to have two indicators operating... the phase shifted lines appear on the chart and what you see is what you get on the arrow displays on the MTF detector... they are in perfect sync... yet nothing has been changed in the code for either of the original indicators.

So, if you ever catch the original indicators not matching... not in sync... that proves that there is something peculiar about MT4 itself, which has got to be costing traders a lot of money in losses in automated trading when traders use methods that involve an EA or indicator reading data from another indicator which is not an uncommon practice... and nothing is noticed or said about that at all....

mtfdet.gif  23 kb

Hello Wiley

Do I have a to doubt with regard to their I finish indicator, do The arrows of the detector work in function of it lines her color aqua or red? I find that the arrows are invested, that is to say, when the price this up, the arrows go it stops below, I find that they are working based on it lines her red, taking it as main, when serious lines her color aqua, the main one. I am confused, and not you if I understand each other what I mean, in any event enclosed two graphics, (the international language of the forex)

Thank you


What the heck???

You have been raising this issue, and your iMAXhp doesn't appear to work like mine at all... my previous photos show the arrows in sync with the phases... I have observed closely the performance of the indicator the last few days... and I have no idea how your arrows and phase signals are so far out of sync... is this a joke of some kind?

The worst case I have noticed amounts to a flicker, caused by MT4...

The moment I saw your photos, I just immediately dropped the indicators on a chart, and took these photos... as you can see I do not see or experience what you are describing.

In this and the next post I will show an iMAXhp indicator, and iMAXhp Detector, not the integrated iMAXhp Detector 2... on timeframes M1 thru MN1... and these are the questionable separated indicators... and I see nothing wrong... So, you have made a point but I don't see it confirmed anywhere else the way you are trying to document something here... Everyone has the code to examine, and their own experience to draw from... and I am not finding anything you are saying convincing at this point.

M1 thru H1 timeframes...

hpm1.gif  24 kb
hpm5.gif  25 kb
hpm15.gif  27 kb
hpm30.gif  26 kb
hph1.gif  28 kb