Rent a Signal service development and suggestions - page 68


I would like to hear from my subscribers if the trades are being mirrored correctly in your accounts and if the results so far are similar to those shown in the RAS site, if you don't mind posting this. I have some doubts if the technique is adequate for duplication through the internet. Thanks.


Just want to repeat it:

If you are experienced trader and wants to participate in this project so please contact with me concerning the statements and your experience.

With this new 'rent a signal' service you can sell your trading signals and win even more money than trading.


Some members asked to move the signal ID 402 from pending mode to approved mode because of good performance (commercial signals to be approved for subscribers) so I did it (with the contact with the signal provider first - FX Simple Signals).

Some other members asked about the signal ID 78 (commercial channel breakout system) so we will have the section for RAS soon and all the members can create the threads and ask and so on.

The other question by PM was about the signals doing by fxtrader625 (which is very popular now).

When we have a section for RAS so I will stop posting it as the members will be able to create the threads and ask.


It was 22 of January. 2 days ago:


- fxtrader625 is having 29 subscribers (all of them - for free signals);

- mozato is having 3 subscribers;

- jeffkerwin with his KiwiTrader started 3 days ago but he is already having 1 subscriber;

- Jairo is having 3 subscribers;

- killerpips is having 4 subscribers;

- martin is having 3 subscribers;

- elite section EAs (14 EAs/IDs totally for now): 12 subscribers. The IDs with yellow asterisk are the signals for elite members only (other members do not see those IDs with asterisk).

It is for today:

- fxtrader625 is having 32 subscribers (all of them - for free signals);

- mozato is having 6 subscribers;

- jeffkerwin with his KiwiTrader started 5 days ago but he is already having 1 subscriber;

- Jairo is having 4 subscribers;

- killerpips is having 4 subscribers;

- martin is having 4 subscribers;

- fxsimplesignals is having 1 subscriber;

- elite section EAs (16 EAs/IDs totally for now): 16 subscribers. The IDs with yellow asterisk are the signals for elite members only (other members do not see those IDs with asterisk). To see elite section EAs and to trade it so you should be elite member of the forum and you should register with RAS writing your forex-tsd username in RAS registration form.

Just for information.

I want to remind: the RAS service did not start yet.

The forum is finishing the first stage of Rent a Signal service as a beta testing right now.

If you are experienced trader and wants to participate in this project so please contact with me concerning the statements and your experience.

With this new 'rent a signal' service you can sell your trading signals and win even more money than trading.

Forex TSD forum administration


I wonder to know if forex-tds can help to get volume data like e-signal provides so we can come on website and chose pair and can see most accurate volume...

there are already many companies to provide signals for montly membership. There is no company that provides most accurate volume for forex...ESignal has pool of 300 or so banks. IBFX told me they have 6 banks to get data so...


Go to volume threads:


Or in elite section coded by Igorad:

or coded by cja (elite section as well):


Yes, there are companies to provide signals for montly membership and none of those companies are related to our forex-tsd forum. RAS service is related to our forum and that is why it is important in our forum. Because it is forex-tsd service. It may be nothing for you but it is very important here: every big forum wants to have good commercial service which can be forum service.

As to monthly membership so there are a lot of signals for free with good quality. More for free than for money.

Most of the members subscribed to the signals (see my previous post) paid nothing to anyone.

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By the way, if you are interesting in this RAS service, or want to know more so send PM to me. If impossible (because you are having just 1 post only) so post here something and I will send PM or email.

But this service did not start yet. Still beta testing may be 1 or 2 weeks more (just waiting for new webdesign will be delivered to RAS website).


To see elite section EAs with RAS and to trade it so you should be elite member of the forum and you should register with RAS writing your forex-tsd username in RAS registration form. If you are already registered so edite your account with forex-tsd username (to see elite section EAs performance and to trade it - if you are elite member of the forum).


just an observation...

Currently, the #1 signal in the free signal ranking for total USD (not PIPS) has suffered a drawdown of 60% recently and an has an initial start capital requirement of 100K to survive...

is this realistic?


just an observation...

Currently, the #1 signal in the free signal ranking for total USD (not PIPS) has suffered a drawdown of 60% recently and an has an initial start capital requirement of 100K to survive...

is this realistic?


It depends how you look

In forex we know that its a survival game, so big DD can most likely end up in blowing the account, BUT I have seen some trading methods where the creator believe in historical statistics.

for example lets say the price for the EURUSD historically have never gone more than 500 pips without retracing for 25 or 30 pips "this is an assumption " so he can create his expert to deal with these limits lets he enter with a gird martingale or something like that.

Some experts in the market use this concept, other experts use the daily range or monthly range as a stoploss ... and with these methods comes good profit as the creator takes the main trend letting his expert to takes the maximum swing in hope the price will follow the main trend, using this method although makes good moneyny, it can also reuslts in big DD and in some cases where history doesn't necessary repeat it self the account could blow up ... and we have seen many exmaples for this, I don't want to name experts so people wont get upset.

So the DD can be acceptable sometimes, but 60% is way too much, however we don't know what data the creator have gone through to ensure the safety of his expert, we don't know the exit setup only the create knows that and its a risk the cleint have to take , if he doesn't do his homework and ask the signal provider the right questions.

Maybe Newdgital can allow like a blog or comments on each signal where the cleints have the option to post thier feedback on the signals.... and maybe force some kind of a feedback"comments" when the cleints decide to leave a signal provider.

have a nice weekend



I would never suffer a 60K float., even if I made hundreds of thousand with my 100K account....many tsd users do not have near 100k who could trade this signal live...lets get realistic folks.

...just personal for me I guess...I think in percentages.... and 60K represents 60%...but I will tell you that larger dollars is more scarey when you really do it.


P.S. I do not trade today to give it back tomorrow.

It depends how you look

In forex we know that its a survival game, so big DD can most likely end up in blowing the account, BUT I have seen some trading methods where the creator believe in historical statistics.

for example lets say the price for the EURUSD historically have never gone more than 500 pips without retracing for 25 or 30 pips "this is an assumption " so he can create his expert to deal with these limits lets he enter with a gird martingale or something like that.

Some experts in the market use this concept, other experts use the daily range or monthly range as a stoploss ... and with these methods comes good profit as the creator takes the main trend letting his expert to takes the maximum swing in hope the price will follow the main trend, using this method although makes good moneyny, it can also reuslts in big DD and in some cases where history doesn't necessary repeat it self the account could blow up ... and we have seen many exmaples for this, I don't want to name experts so people wont get upset.

So the DD can be acceptable sometimes, but 60% is way too much, however we don't know what data the creator have gone through to ensure the safety of his expert, we don't know the exit setup only the create knows that and its a risk the cleint have to take , if he doesn't do his homework and ask the signal provider the right questions.

Maybe Newdgital can allow like a blog or comments on each signal where the cleints have the option to post thier feedback on the signals.... and maybe force some kind of a feedback"comments" when the cleints decide to leave a signal provider.

have a nice weekend
