Requests & Ideas, the beginning - page 270


And just to remind about the following Freelance services:

dave johnson:
Hi, With those settings the Kama lines change , upper is blue and lower is orange so it is a neutral signal and it goes sideways, then in some instances their both the same, Top line is HA High and bottom is HA Low, so depending were price is determines color change. If I missed a few flat zones it was late night, But generally the flat zone are when Parabolic dots and KAMA lines come together and when they open up its trending 

Hi Dave,

Where can I find the indicator  'higher high lower low stochastics(20)' that you have on your pic? It looks attracting. Thank you in advance.


Interesting article - 


My First "Grail" 

The word "grail" is now often used among modern programmers ironically. It means for them the impossibility to create a "universal" program for all occasions. As to programming in MQL4, this word means impossibility to create an expert that would give fantastic effects in the real trading.

In reality, forex is the reflection of a complex conglomerate of phenomena - economic and industrial relations, human characters, politics. Moreover, and this is even more important, it cannot be simply formalized. Experienced traders recommend to enter the market only if there are three to five or even more signs indicating the possible trend.

At the same time, the regularities determined by now cannot completely provide a deep basis for market forecasting with high probability of success. The contradictory prognoses made by leading analysts of eminent banks and financial organizations confirm this. All analysts, without any exception, can very well interpret the events that have already happened, but only a few of them can give a sequence of really confident prognoses.

Let us be just towards them: These people do what they can do, most of them have a long trading experience and much knowledge we can envy. However, let us call things by their proper names: practically all of them are often mistaken. They can look big, enjoy more or less popularity, sometimes make a handsome fortune ("gurus" of different kinds are really well described in the Alexander Elder's book titled Trading for a Living: Psychology, Trading Tactics, Money Management), but the fact remains that even experienced analysts are often mistaken.

So, considering these circumstances, what are the chances of a first-time programmer who is just making his or her first steps in trading on Forex? Let us try to retrace the pathway that the beginner goes in his or her quest of the "Grail". 

Does anyone have the weiss wave flag for mql5?
Does anyone have the weiss wave indicator for mql5?

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Automation of services

MetaQuotes Software Corp., 2018.09.07 20:22

The continues to develop, and we are happy to see the number of members and service users growing. However, we are no longer able to moderate Market, Code Base and Freelance manually — this requires a lot of resources from our company. Therefore, we decided to provided maximum automation for the community processes, which require the help of service moderators.

We are working hard on the automation, and have already released the following updates:

  • Codes in the Code Base are now published without a moderator. Prepare a description of your MQL4/MQL5 example, add good screenshots sized no more than 750x500 pixels and submit your code for verification. After a successful automated testing, it will be immediately published in the Code Base, and an appropriate announcement will be added on the forum. 
  • Freelance now allows parties to solve certain types of force majeure situations, enabling the Developer and the Customer to come to an agreement without Arbitration. We have added required commands directly to the current order page.

    If an issue cannot be solved, parties can still request Arbitration from the service moderators. In the future, we also plan to automate such cases.

  • Publishing of Products in the Market has been fully automated. Now the author needs to fill in all the necessary fields and pass through automated checks, after which the Product will be instantly published in the Market. Now, authors can easily edit Product descriptions, release updates or temporarily remove Products from the Market showcase to fix errors. It can be done faster now, as Sellers do not have to wait for moderation.
  • The automation will not affect Product quality control: users can complain on Products, which violate the Market rules:
    • The Product must not:
      • guarantee, promise or hint at profits through the Product name, logo, screenshots or description;
      • contain words and expressions in superlative degree relating to Product features or the underlying concept;
      • present trading strategy backtest results as real trading results, whether expressly or implicitly;
      • contain links to external resources to be used as a description;
      • contain flashy/immodest titles of description sections or Product names;
      • use images of money or valuables in any form;
      • use any pictures of non-aesthetic nature as a Product icon or screenshots.
      The Product shall be described in a calm manner using simple clear sentences without slang and abbreviations.
    • The Seller shall not sell or distribute any harmful products through the Market service.
    • The Seller shall not integrate and apply any third-party sales, accounting, license control and update management systems (including the ones using WebRequest features) in Products.
    • The Seller shall not collect users' personal data by means of Products or implement additional custom limitations on the functionality of MQL4/MQL5 applications.
    • The Seller shall not publish multiple copies of Products, which are based on the same idea and differ only in input parameter settings, symbols, and/or timeframes. Creation of similar Products having slightly changed descriptions and/or design shall be considered as spam and lead to the removal of all detected copies from the Market showcase, while the Seller shall be banned from all paid services.

    We believe that control by the members will be as effective as the manual Product moderation.

  • Verified User status will also be provided in the automated mode. At the current stage, a user instantly receives an appropriate message in case of providing inaccurate data.
These are the first steps towards the automation of our processes. We are reviewing all of our services in order ensure convenience and simplicity of use for the active members of the

Useful links:

  1. Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service
  2. Use tips in the Freelance service!
  3. The checks a trading robot must pass before publication in the Market
  4. Tips for an Effective Product Presentation on the Market


Hi Malden,

Presently I use the rsi heatmap and I think its great. Can you do something similar with the rsx indicator.

William Snyder #:

Hello Wieb, added the lines, also made in compatible with new mt4 versions, when compiling there are two minor warnings which don't seem to affect the indicator operation.


Is it possible to get an mt5 version of this indicator