SYNERGY Trading Method - page 51


Indicators And Template


Can you post the indicators and templates for this chart?




Draw level lines in different style and color?

The Traders Dynamic Index indicator works fine. Just wonder if anyone knows how to change the code to make the level line displayed in different color? especially for level 50 as attached picture....

tdi.jpg  24 kb


Hi Xcooper,

Please click on one of the curves in the TDI, then right click on same, and open the indicator dialogue by clicking on the name. Select the Levels tab, and change the colours to something that you prefer. You can also change the thickness or switched to a different line style.




I am doing some backtesting with DS and will see if I can find some productive settings.

My feeling, however, is that DS is sprouting too many levers and dials and possibly tripping over the potholes in MQ4. Just for an exercise, why not consider the following simplification of Synergy:

Entries: Stochastic fast above/below slow, Momentum above/below 50 and rising/falling, and Alligator green above/below red and blue and rising/falling. PSAR below/above Alligator green.

Exits: PSAR crosses below/above Alligator green. and/or Stochastic fast crosses below/above slow. Momentum and Alligator green falling/rising.

Trailing stop = PSAR as long as it is moving with the trend.

The blue line on Momentum is a moving average that could also be used as a trigger, but maybe it is best to stay away from moving averages.

See illustration attached.


I am doing some backtesting with DS and will see if I can find some productive settings.

My feeling, however, is that DS is sprouting too many levers and dials and possibly tripping over the potholes in MQ4. Just for an exercise, why not consider the following simplification of Synergy:




This looks quite interesting, but really has nothing to do with Synergy (and that may be a good thing!).

I would just start from scratch were I to make this one... That is possible, but I am a bit backlogged at the moment to be able to take on something new.

I'll keep it in mind tho.


PS: What is "DS"?


Hi Derk and friends,

Point well taken, although please bear in mind that Synergy is based on identification of 4 market forces:

Price Action



Market Strength.

It seems to me that it is not terribly important how one implements a system based on these forces, once the basic proposition is accepted. Malone chose to do it one way, and there could well be other ways. It may prove that the Malone manual system poses too many problems for implementation as an EA, since there are ambiguities in what constitutes an exit, and since signals for both exits and entries may be difficult to program efficiently with the indicators Malone has chosen. Perhaps the four forces can be better translated into an EA through other indicators, such as (for example):



Momentum (the indicator)

Stochastic Oscillator (plus Standard Deviation??)

It may also be desirable to substitute 2 moving averages on another oscillator (such as Force or RSI, or DeMarker) for the Alligator, as the latter may produce ambiguous signals due to wiggle on price bars.

Perhaps I shall try to mock something up in the old Phoenix template and then see where that goes.


Point well taken, although please bear in mind that Synergy is based on identification of 4 market forces:

Price Action



Market Strength.

It seems to me that it is not terribly important how one implements a system based on these forces, once the basic proposition is accepted. Malone chose to do it one way, and there could well be other ways. It may prove that the Malone manual system poses too many problems for implementation as an EA, since there are ambiguities in what constitutes an exit, and since signals for both exits and entries may be difficult to program efficiently with the indicators Malone has chosen. Perhaps the four forces can be better translated into an EA through other indicators, such as (for example):



Momentum (the indicator)

Stochastic Oscillator (plus Standard Deviation??)

It may also be desirable to substitute 2 moving averages on another oscillator (such as Force or RSI, or DeMarker) for the Alligator, as the latter may produce ambiguous signals due to wiggle on price bars.

Perhaps I shall try to mock something up in the old Phoenix template and then see where that goes.


Yes, another good point. When I said not Synergy, I meant it in only two ways:

1) Not the system calledSynergy, created by Dean & CompassFx, since it uses specific inds, and this system diverges from all of them.

2) For automation, so dissimilar that I feel it would be best to start from scratch.

But especially if you end up testing it and find you feel it is highly promising, it would be worth automating in its own right.

Also, I have felt that Synergy is better at picking entries than exits, so if yours is better a getting out with a higher percentage of the maximum, that is a plus too.



Please add an alert to the traders Dynamic index

Could someone please add an popup alert when the two red arrows show

Thank you


Can you post the indicators and templates for this chart?



Hi Jeremy,

Here are the indicators and EA. For some reason I cannot get the template

appears in window explorer. Visa is a funny thing. But you can easily set the charts up. Sorry for the delay.


Hi Jeremy,

Here are the indicators and EA. For some reason I cannot get the template

appears in window explorer. Visa is a funny thing. But you can easily set the charts up. Sorry for the delay.


