MQL4 Learning - page 36


double *GetArray(double Factor) // how to define a funcion return as array


double Arr[10];

for(int i=0;i<10;i++) Arr = i*Factor;




this code is possible?

if yes, think, a lot of way for systems....


It seems easier to declare the array at global scoop, then any function can modify it. You also can pass the array to be modified to the fonction by reference using "&" :

[PHP]void MyFunc(double& Arr[])



Mt4 Memory Usage problem with variables.

1) I am running mt4 with loops (in each loop I am assigning different values to variables and running again calculations)

2) After 20 loops I am getting values of 0 assigned to the variables instead of the values that I expect to receive and wrong calculation results.

What can be the reason? Is it because of memory and how can I release the memory in mt4 ?


ticket value


When an order is open it is assigned a ticket number. When this order is modified through an EA (i.e. the EA closes a portion of the trade) does the old ticket get changed to a new ticket number?

I'm still a rookie at all this programming stuff so any help is greatly appreciated.




When an order is open it is assigned a ticket number. When this order is modified through an EA (i.e. the EA closes a portion of the trade) does the old ticket get changed to a new ticket number?

I'm still a rookie at all this programming stuff so any help is greatly appreciated.



It shouldn't be changed.


If you close partial lots then yes a new ticket number is generated, if you only update stops then the tikcer number will not change.

Sorry, EA code? maybe here.

thanks linuxser for ya kindness...


Error #130

What does this mean?? It relates to placing a trade with the EA.



It means bad stop price. In orderSend, the stop is a price and must be at least 10 pips below the entry price for buy or 10 pips above the entry price for sell