10points 3.mq4 - page 108

Can you please tell me, where can I found v2, where just sell/buy mode ov EA can be specified? Thanks in advance


Hi Glader

You can find v2 at post #988 and post #999 has the other indicator needed.On metatrader open chart/install e.a./on common parameters long only/open another chart/install e.a./on common parameters short only/on inputs change the magic #, and you should be set.

Hope that helped



10points3 Dynamic Stop v2

Starting from post #774 page #78 mtaboneweb discusses the 10points3 Dynamic Stop2.2 EA which after suggestion from bluto was called Jugulator.

There have been several versions of 10points3 Dynamic Stop v2, v2-1, v2-2 then a name change occurred Jugulator1.1

The latest version can be found on page # 89 post # 890 where Matt posted a zip which includes the indicator.

There is interesting reading around those pages and since Jugulator was an improvement on the previous versions I suggest that may be the best EA to test.



I see a pattern here:

a. pester the hell out of the good developers that show up from time to time. be generally obnoxious, demanding and contrary. demand profitable improvements and question every setting and bad result with relentless bad attitude.

b. finally run the good developers off for greener pasture.

c. return to this god forbidden thread and keep trying to turn a big lumpy stone into a fresh turnip.

d. experience drawdowns, margin calls and huge floating losses.

e. post never ending questions about the correct tp and sl to use.

f. get really disillusioned with results and become hopeless.

g. latch onto the next developer to surface with the next greatest prospect of an ea.

h. rinse and repeat.


10 points v2

Starting from post #774 page #78 mtaboneweb discusses the 10points3 Dynamic Stop2.2 EA which after suggestion from bluto was called Jugulator.

There have been several versions of 10points3 Dynamic Stop v2, v2-1, v2-2 then a name change occurred Jugulator1.1

The latest version can be found on page # 89 post # 890 where Matt posted a zip which includes the indicator.

There is interesting reading around those pages and since Jugulator was an improvement on the previous versions I suggest that may be the best EA to test.


Thanks John, should have called my mod something else, somehow missed v2 was all ready made, going to do my mod on this version and call it v100 maybe.

Thanks again



It would be helpful if only on this forum we agreed to some naming conventions.

I find 0.00 to be useful.

1.00 would be a major start/revision

1.01 minor change, branch from 1.00

1.10 change from author, possibly using .00 branches.



TechInvestor Gator:
I see a pattern here:

a. pester the hell out of the good developers that show up from time to time. be generally obnoxious, demanding and contrary. demand profitable improvements and question every setting and bad result with relentless bad attitude.

b. finally run the good developers off for greener pasture.

c. return to this god forbidden thread and keep trying to turn a big lumpy stone into a fresh turnip.

d. experience drawdowns, margin calls and huge floating losses.

e. post never ending questions about the correct tp and sl to use.

f. get really disillusioned with results and become hopeless.

g. latch onto the next developer to surface with the next greatest prospect of an ea.

h. rinse and repeat.

He's affraid we finally meet what has been VX2 done so far. The same idea, different approach, seeing BiPolar is getting nearer and nearer to his system. On the other hand, abrs70 is starting dreamteam/teamdream, keep develop guys.


How true

TechInvestor Gator:
I see a pattern here:

a. pester the hell out of the good developers that show up from time to time. be generally obnoxious, demanding and contrary. demand profitable improvements and question every setting and bad result with relentless bad attitude.

b. finally run the good developers off for greener pasture.

c. return to this god forbidden thread and keep trying to turn a big lumpy stone into a fresh turnip.

d. experience drawdowns, margin calls and huge floating losses.

e. post never ending questions about the correct tp and sl to use.

f. get really disillusioned with results and become hopeless.

g. latch onto the next developer to surface with the next greatest prospect of an ea.

h. rinse and repeat.

An apt description but a few are working behind the scenes on this thread testing the various modifications and surfacing now and then with their results.

I hope that our good developers do not depart for greener pastures, we have had excellent work done by them starting with tururo with his Dynamic Stop all the way through to mrtools RMI mod which has the best indicators that I have seen on a 10pts3 EA.

Keep up the good work and hopefully we may search more and ask less repetitive questions.

Points well made TechInvestor Gator but hopefully we have found some positives over the past 108 pages.


Another version of 10 points,was going to call it .111 or something but after seeing Mr. Gator's post decided to call it Turnip, only releasing ex4 for now(don't want to find it on e-bay for $500).The Doble setting is lot progression(seems to work best on 2.5). Just have backtest results has not been fwd. tested yet.Also can adjust lot size(maxlot)Had a good year last year, except for once in April and a very bad December, but seemed to be recovering nicely this month.(again only backtesting).

that's mighty nice of you Tools. I'm flattered. i'll give it a whirl on a demo account. shall I pencil in a date on the calendar for a margin call in say 5 days or so? I'm a chronic planner you know.


another mod

post deleted due to popular demand