HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 81


Oh yeah

OK genuis, I like Igor, I think his heart is in the right place. I think the comments he made were a little misguided, but I think his heart was in the right place. I like the TSR system. I like H2 because it is a good approach if you like to scalp the majors. It's too bad FXCruiser didn't create a thread according to Igor's specifications and make all the right statements as Igor would have made them, but no one is perfect. So stop being such a ===} smoker and find another cause. I guess I just lost that raise huh?


Newbie Concerns, huh?

Seems some people are very concerned about newbies getting ripped off.

Perfect arguement. I think everyone agrees since we were newbies at one time, some if not all got bitten on the rear at some time. I've been doing it for about 3 yrs. only, played the stocks a bit b4 that. Did ok but not great, and in some peoples eyes... Hell I'm a newbie.. I've read/tried all kinda things, I remmember Nina the most, when he showed up in the chat room and helpped make me some pips with them cams or whatever you call them. But sometimes I lost a couple. Welcome to the wonderful world of trading. Anyone looking not to loose a pip get out now. The trick is to minimize those losses cause you will get in the wrong side from time to time. So we try systems, modify systems throw the computer in the pool system !!!

So the only thing I can tell someone just getting in is (1) study everything you can lay your hands and eyeballs on. Just like we did and still do. There are plenty of Free forex 101 basics on the internet. (2) Demo, demo, demo. Seasoned traders Do The Demo also. (3) Slap some indicators on the charts and experiment. (4)There are plenty of systems out there try them. You decide. Some are free...

Fxc's hamapad v1 is free if you ask for it , 10 bucks to get into the chat room, excetera. Or you can invest the kids college tuition in something else that most likely leave you broke and dissappointed.. Heck if you can't invest $10 to discuss / help improve and see a system work then you should not be trading anything... Difference being you decide rookie it's your $$$. I've tried most everyone's system in the forums, some work for a time, some looked promissing, some we rather not speak about again, especially those we tried to tweak only to make it worse. Theres a million things to learn, for some learning is easier than others, Try to keep it simple, try to tweak it but don't burn it. And finally (5) Never ever get on someones thread and bash a system when your head is in your ____ !! Using newbie protector as an excuse...........

So I agree newbies do your homework......

Piponacci post #778 .....I agree 100%... & post # 808....He missed the boat, should go pip hunt with his buddy The green eyed monster....

Et posts #779 & #794 .....on point

Mart-hart post #785 ...You knew it was just a matter of time.

To, EJ great accomplishment in short time, let those seasonend vets go trade their system..... BRAVO....

I said my peace, Don't like the mans system stick with yours!!!!!!!



I don't trust you unless you post these trades in real time, I guarantee you 100% that if you post in real time we will se big losses from you

yeah mike...u r absolutely wright...dont trust...this system is a looser...& pls go another place and find what suite yur taste...dont waste yur time & others here...

yeah mike...u r absolutely wright...dont trust...this system is a looser...& pls go another place and find what suite yur taste...dont waste yur time & others here...

I know man, I know also that no one will post live trades here, they will continue to talk and talk and talk with no courage to post live trades, but i have to warn newbies, my concious forces me to warn them


Stop The Madness!

First off, let me say I respect both iGor and Fxcruiser for sharing their experience and trading systems with all of us. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but with that said, if you are going to visit someone elses thread and start trashing it then you should expect a fight. Let me ask this, if someone came to iGor's thread and said bad things about this system he would defend his thread and ideas. That's all Fxcruiser is going here. I would suggest that iGor go back to his own thread and he can continue to voice his opinion there about Fxcruiser if he likes.

I have been around the block a few times and have spent a great deal on money on FX Guru's and so called "holly grail" trading systems. So in comparision to what I've spent on all of the other FX education ...$10 isn't to much to invest. Even if it turns out to be a sham, I would rather get taken for $10 then get taken for $1000.

I believe Fxcruiser is trying to do a good thing here and help all traders with his system. If he wanted to retire rich or take off with our money, he would be asking for alot more than $10!



yeah mike...u r absolutely wright...dont trust...this system is a looser...& pls go another place and find what suite yur taste...dont waste yur time & others here...

CP6 is right, you have done a good thing. You have opened everyones eyes. You get the hero award.

Can someone ask New digital to create a hero award for Mike. How about this for now?:

I know man, I know also that no one will post live trades here, they will continue to talk and talk and talk with no courage to post live trades, but i have to warn newbies, my concious forces me to warn them

mike, do me a favor and read some of the posts. I appreciate your conscience, I think that is what you're trying so say. I know you have done this same thing at CatFX20, over at kamyar's thread, etc. You have a mission. You've got the track record, so be it. I would appreciate also if you start a thread on really helping the newbies you are trying to protect in a positive way. I noticed you have a thread started where you have developed an EA that you want to sell.

Unfortunately, I don't own anything. I control a lot, including a number of live trading accounts which I am not at liberty to disclose any of their financial transactions, otherwise, I will be happy to let you come over and see their account statements. On the other hand, whenever I can I have posted a live demo trades in progress. Like I said I have other things to do other than running this thread. Mind you, it is getting to be too much.

I believe we all have the same common goals. If I wanted to scam anyone, wouldn't you think, I would have done it in grandeur way and not at this level? I don't need this.

If you think that by driving me away from this thread and this forum that you have done a GREAT service to the newbies and the trading community, I would like you and others to re-examine their position. I have traded successfully for years without this forum and this thread. So, it is not far from me to do it that way again. I have my small private trading group for years. Yes, that was good enough. My stubborness did not heed their advice and I started this thread and much more, the Traders Lounge. They actually wanted to keep the HAMA and especially, the H2, just among us. This is what my kindness and generosity gets me back. Just that one sideways market condition which I did not get any suggesstion from you neither. Well, this is not what I bargain for. I have a real life outside of forex.

I have sent PM to newdigital and we will discuss the destiny of this thread in the next few days.

Mike and everybody, my best wishes to ALL of you.



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I know man, I know also that no one will post live trades here, they will continue to talk and talk and talk with no courage to post live trades, but i have to warn newbies, my concious forces me to warn them

yes man...let us keep talking here...again & again & again...u like to talk ?...come join us....u dont like to talk ?...pls go elsewhere & respect other people!


Ok everyone...I guess it's my turn to say more than a few words.If you read the thread,you would know that I was the one that refered to the Hama as "not the holy grail, but the goose who laid a golden egg".I said this becaise it does give you an egg,if not more than an egg a day...if your patient and disciplined.Not just in a trending market but also a sideways market.

Those who would not know me and say "what creditials does he have to say anything?'the fact is I have none!I've traded since 1987 in stocks,options,futures and now forex,but big deal...all this isn't about trading.What you say!..?It's about people!!!!!!! In life we have leaders and followers.We have enforcers and intimidators.We have supporters and hanger ons.where do you fit in?

Now the stir caused here only confirms one thing.FXcruiser is an extraordinary soul.Not because of the Hama but because of his vibration to get his message out.What I have witnessed in the degree of battle only verifies the soundness of FXC and the Hama method and thus has attracted all kinds of investors and traders to debate.Why...because even if you argue for Newbies or for losses and scammers it echo's GREATNESS! Unconditional caring on a GRAND level!For us by FXC's side...it is because of what we feel from him.I've been through many threads and never to now had the "feeling" of joining or participating until I came across FXcruiser.For those opposing his creation,it is only because they have not been recognized by their peers in an equal way as to that which FXc is recognized.

We are all adults here...but you would question that of late by everyones behaviour.

We are all here to walk OUR paths...not someone elses.We can invite many to walk beside us but never can they walk OUR path.FXC has invited who ever to walk beside him to experience what he feels is a positive experience in his and our lives.You all know the saying about "he who has not sinned stand up and throw the first stone."Is there anyone here who feels they are so pure as to throw the first stone?

It is life itself that will steer everyone back on their paths buit for now if it's not your place to walk with us then surrender to that and go your way and give us all your blessings as we would give you.It is never "HOW MUCH WE MAKE" in life that will fill us but how we touch and treat our fellow brothers and sisters and what can we contibute to their well being.

For a day may come for all of us that we need a leg up and a hand to help us along and in this weird and wacky world we are in,you can bet your bottom dollar it will be someone you need to forgive and embrace as a brother again.

So everyone I hope you get the message here.It's just as easy to help and create as to destroy and turn ones back.

Here's my big HHHHHHHUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!! for everyone!I hope this starts the healing,like the WAVE at a baseball game!

David AKA Spiritfriends