$600-$800 week ? - page 2

I know a few (real) traders using the "Smashing Forex" method who are very happy with it. It's a manual system.

Go to this link and you will find it at a big discount along with the 5EMA method and others:

Trading Materials


Smashing strategy is profitable, but not easy to trade with as you got to stick to the chart to count the MACD bars "UP" and "DOWN" for entry, I myself feel very "stupid" to do this.

Another strategy Crackingfx, much more easier to follow.


This thread is a thread after my heart. I want this guy to find what he is looking for...but again there are not any profitably, consistent EA's in existence for the Forex Market.

I will also say that there is not ONE EA that can bank 25% per year with a 15% max intraday DD from the banked balance for any meaningful period of time.

Would you want to put your Job ...your 5K.... and your child's well being on these facts?... with stubborness? You cannot beat the best in here and you will not be able to keep your yield...stay with the 60hrs a week grind is my advice...stick with it until you retire...





Do you mean the system off that same discount site called "Cracking The Forex Code"?

Smashing strategy is profitable, but not easy to trade with as you got to stick to the chart to count the MACD bars "UP" and "DOWN" for entry, I myself feel very "stupid" to do this. Another strategy Crackingfx, much more easier to follow.

Hi, i just want to give you a little help:

1) as first thing to do, is stop looking for an EA that will produce that kind of profits u'r looking for, because that ones in ebay are EA that will just blow-up your account (you will have losses in your account using those EA, and you will lost all your money).

2) There are EA that can work well and produce nice profits, also more then what u r looking for, but the people that have those EA (usually they created their own EA), will not give it for free to nobody, and will not sell to nobody (it have no-sense to sell something that let you earn a lot of money, there is no need to sell, u understand?), so if u see somebody selling some EA, u can buy it, but i guess that it will let you have only losses.

3) You can code an EA that work well and give u good profits, but before code a strategy u must know a strategy, a good strategy that work and that produce profits, and if you are a newbie to forex, i guess you still don't have your own profitable strategy (95% of traders don't have it), so let's abandon for now the idea of code your own EA.

4) If you start trading forex now with your 5k account, you will lose them all, because forex is HARD, it is the hardest thing that i know, so it can be better for you to put in the account something like 500 usd or less (because i can say with a 90% probability that you will lose them, so don't put all 5k) (hey i can be wrong, i said 90% not 100%), anyway every trader that join on forex for the first time, he loose all his first-account money, so be prepared.

5) Maybe it can be a good thing to trade a demo-account for some period of time, before put real money on it (and as i already said prepare yourself for loose all the money u put in your first-account, because it happen most of the time).

6) Somebody say it's impossible to have 600-800usd/week with a 5k account, but i can assure you that it is possible, but it is absolutely not simple and not easy.

Just my point of view, anyway welcome to the forex world



What if you do not know how to code? what if you cannot figure out what works and what you want?

all you might know is that you are an investor and seaching and seaching for something that you can grow your money from your job into retirement funds?

what if you do not have much time left...? maybe only 10 15 or 20 years?



What if you do not know how to code? what if you cannot figure out what works and what you want?

all you might know is that you are an investor and seaching and seaching for something that you can grow your money from your job into retirement funds?

what if you do not have much time left...? maybe only 10 15 or 20 years?


If u don't know how to code, u can learn it, in the metaeditor (the software to code the EAs) there is the help section that can let you code everything you want, it's just a matter of read, and try.

Or, u can tell to somebody what you want to code, and ask to somebody to code it for you (many people will do for free, like me, if a strategy seems good everybody is ready to code it!). So, this is not a big problem i think.

If you cannot figure out what works and what u want, i understand perfectly.. u will understand what work (or, what don't work!) and what u want (or what u don't want!) with time... time time and time..

If u are just an investor looking for something to can let grow your money, so i think the best thing to do is found a good trader that u trust, and open a managed account with him (again, there is not the gaurantee that he will not lost your money, or that he will let them grow fastly or without risk), or you can contact some good managed-account company, some hedge fund, and open a managed account with them (again, no gaurantees, never never any gaurantees, i know soo many people that invested in some good hedgefund or some good managed-account company, and after 5 months the money in the account was less then how many there was in the start), maybe i'm too much pessimistic, but maybe i'm just closed to the reality, there are a lot of people with a lot of money that don't know where to put them to let them grow, people that look for a 12-15% yearly, and not weekly, and still don't what to do to have that return with a sort of gaurantee!

In the same time, i have to say that there are people that are living with the profits of their forex-account, people that are becoming rich (or already becomed) with forex (or some other market) trading, but those people are trading from years, and i'm sure that they too have blowed-up their first accounts!

And surely there are a lot of investors that are investing their money in some good-reputable managed-account company, and are enjoying the profits of their managed account!

It's all a matter of find a good strategy (manual or automatic) or find a good trader/managed-account-company , personally i've abandoned the idea to let someone trade my account so i am not informed about the various managed-account companies all over the world (i've abandoned the idea because i like trading, i like it soo much! And, i'm not a profitable trader, but i continue to trade and learn, stupid you may think? maybe..).

I hope you the best, anyway


Welcome to Forex!

I don't see why so many people think the Forex is hard? Its either buy or sell. You're either right or wrong at that given time.

So many people look at forex as the get rich quick method and those who try it as this often fail. You rarely see the forex advertised as a nice investment oppurtunity. Its always, make $1,000 a week or more using this system, yada yada yada!!

Many people (not all) make forex to be hard because usually they are using a high % of their account per trade. They cannot afford many losing streaks which eventually leads to their blown accounts. Just remember the market falls alot faster than it rises!

I think your goal is very much achievable. On a consistent basis, hmmm... not likely. Not just starting out and not with $5,000. You don't want to stress yourself out trying to make a certain amount per week. You don't need that kind of stress affecting your decision making.

I don't want to see you lose ALL of your money because that would just be terrible.

If I were in your shoes, and this is just my opinion. I would stick the $5k in sometime of account drawing at least 8%. Demo in the time being. When you are profitable in demo, to your liking, then go live with what money you have then. And then I would only risk 2-5% per trade. Like I said thats just my opinion and its what I should've done when I first started. If I would've done it this way I could have started out with a nicer size account. Meaning I could've traded more lots to suit my trading style.

Whatever you do, I hope the best for you. I hope everything works out the way you want it to. Good luck!


You have tried them all? lol....


I will also say that there is not ONE EA that can bank 25% per year with a 15% max intraday DD from the banked balance for any meaningful period of time.


prove me wrong

I rest my case...


You have tried them all? lol....