Traders joking, the beginning - page 29

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XXX mill street

london, NA l1 2ws


You can check it by yourself (do not want to post real name with telephone numbers in London). Because we do not have any member with this IP on the forum.

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And for the people who like Haiku.

Haiku is a kind of Japanese poetry. It was given this name in

the late 19th century by Japanese writer Masaoka Shiki

from a combination of the older hokku and the haikai

(or verses) in haikai no renga. Haiku, when known as

hokku were the opening verses of a linked verse form,

haikai no renga. In Japanese, hokku and haiku are

traditionally printed in one vertical line (though in

handwritten form they may be in any reasonable number of lines).

In English, haiku are written in three lines to equate to

the three parts of a haiku in Japanese that traditionally

consist of five, seven, and then five on (the Japanese

count sounds, not syllables; for example, the word

"haiku" itself counts as three sounds in Japanese

(ha-i-ku), but two syllables in English (hai-ku), and

writing seventeen syllables in English produces

a poem that is actually quite a bit longer,

with more content, than a haiku in Japanese).

Haiku - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


So, one forex forum published forum admin reply examples in Haiku.


Your file was so big.

It might be very useful.

But now it is gone.


The Web site you seek

Cannot be located, but

Count less more exist.


Windows NT crashed .

I am the Blue Screen of Death.

No-one hears your screams.


Yesterday it worked.

Today it is not working.

Windows is like that.


First snow, then silence.

This thousand-dollar screen dies

So beautifully.


With searching comes loss

And the presence of absence:

"My Novel" not found.


Three things are certain:

Death, taxes and losses.

Guess which has occurred.


Please note that it is Japanese poetry (19th century).



Yesterday it worked.

Today it is not working.

Windows is like that.


Please note that it is Japanese poetry (19th century).

i like this one


Today I'm loss

Yesterday I'm profit

then my account was closed

desperate trader's haiku


Forex Indicators Collection


Another haiku

My EA worked great

until it stopped

Now I start over


4 & X

I'm for fore

The ex likes X

both Forex

I am not talking about 'cheating'. That is why I moved those posts to this thread to 'take it easy'.

Nothing wrong in coding on open bar. I know that some coders are coding and there is some financial funds using EA coded on open bar also.

But there are some particularities.

There are very different results for backtesting and forward testing for EAs coded on open bar, or on high/low of the close bar. Sorry I am not a coder. I just experimented for many years and made some conclusion.

Do you know MaChannel by Codersguru? If I remember it was coded on high/low of the close bar (some ma mode or something - don't remember). So, backtesting results do not match forward testing. I don't know why. May be it is something with strategy tester in Metatrader ...

For example I am having very good results with this EA for North Finance broker. Forward testing. Backtesting on same period are completely different. And Codersguru used this EA for last Metaquotes contest and EA did not win: I used North Finance broker and metaquotes used IBFX broker for last contest. And high/low data is very different for NF and IBFX sometimes ... And we got opposite results: IBFX contest was lost and I got very good results for same period of time (I repeated the trades with NF broker as Codersguru and Igorad asked me about it during that time).

If somebody is selling EA based on backtesting results and not telling the people how it was coded (open bar, high low of the bar) so it is not good.

The other example is Firebird. As I see it was coded on close bar, high/low of the close bar and open bar (simultaniously). i am not a coder so it is difficult for me to understand how this EA is selecting the order and which type (close bar, open bar) should be opened in which day of the week. But I know that forward testing results are very diferent from backtesting.

The other case is Brainwashing EAs. Those versions are using iTrend indicator as icustom. And this indicator is showing differently with different broker. May be because of that, may be some other cases, but backtesting and forward testing of this EA is very different. EA was coded on close bar only.

It is nothing with losses. Simple diferently. Not the same (backtesting and forward testing).

The other cases are MTF EAs. There are 2 MTF EAs in elite section. All of them were coded on close bar so that's fine. But if MTF EA was coded on open bar concerning more highier timeframe so the backtesting will not match forward testing.

I only wanted to say that it is very difficult to understand about EAs performance based on backtesting results only because backtesting is not telling the true in many cases. And if the seller is not telling us some particularities (without disclosing the system of course) so backtesting is nothing in this case.

Nothing wrong on open bar coding. I know one coder (he is not a member of our forum yet - he is posting his EAs on metaquotes codebase) and he is coding on open bar only. And there are some very very good ideas about tick indicators, tick MACD, tick MA and so on: i mean indicators to trade on open bar by ticks. And in this case it may be very very good scalpers and other EAs based on open bar.

But it should be mentioned always: coded on close bar, open bar, MTF with open bar for highier timeframe, high/low of the bar and so on.

Otherwise people will be confused and will consider backtesting as useless for all EAs. But backtesting is not useless if we know how it was coded.

And there is some other case.: gaps in data. Especially during the news events. It is not often case but today I found two gaps for august on GBPJPY M1 data when I was checking some indicators for re-paintng. It may be also the reason why backtesting is not the same with forward testing.

But generally backtesting must be the same with forward testing in most of the cases. Shoud be ...

What timeframe was the MAChannel run under, and what was the best currency pairs that worked with the ea??
