Price Patterns(Gartley,Butterfly,Bat,...) - page 149


Want some files?

if anybody wants to check out these files i changed around a bit have at it.

survey.gif  305 kb
audusdh1.gif  64 kb

Good work. Would it be possible to have an alert for new patterns?


Harmonic Style

guys, I just saw this topic ..

I also love trading using the harmonic style, and on this forum there is some interesting material.

There is a forum on the web specialized in this style is very interesting and I could see for yourself, long ago I joined and I have benefited.

Lately I have also tested a "Web Monitor Software" which is called "AMP Monitor", prepared by the Forum of guys I am talking about.

have a look:

Gartley pattern - table of content

tons of indi, videos, and so on..

I agree with you, it's an interesting style. I hope to be helpful for someone like me is interested in improve himself more and more in this style.

It 'a pleasure to compare with people who have experience or with people who, like me, want to improve. A bit like on forex-tsd forum.



Good work. Would it be possible to have an alert for new patterns?

Probably, I wouldnt know how, I just took what was already there and changed, or added to it. All thanks goes to the Author, although he didnt give out the filters as being correct, I noticed, so i went through and applied the correct parmeteres to each pattern to each filter and also added the ratio;s to be diplayed in the survey, grid, info list, and favourites. you can change anything you want in the "files". thats why he left them accessable and easliy understood. Because believe me when i tell you if i can figure it out anybody can, because I am Zero at programming IQ. Thanks. if you look through what all i changed by comparing the files, filters you origanlly recieved and the file filters i gave you it all become clear as day how it works. As far as an alarm, its probably already there and we just dont know it yet. I remember reading in the Author's thread development there are plans for alerts but like I said IDK.



SHark WHat?

Hello to whom is concered. I just spent all of a full 20 minutes creating the shark pattern for the HWAFM but i used the FiboOutSet equal to Fibo, I thought I would see if it works before i went through the process of creating it own levels, then i realized there is no way for me to make the Shark button on the Suvey so I think im going to try to incorporate the shark into the pattern 5.0 and see how i can make it work. I guess it will just find both patterns all under the one button/ category. Also, Ive been experimenting with my pitchfork is this crazy? it seems to work now that im getting used to ploting it correctly, but i love the 3-dimensional look it really brings a kind quantifiable(sp?) aspect to range price and time, Ive realized since evrything is connected to everything the measurments even have a respect to bounce of price off the pitchfork. Anyways, just stiring water. Good Day, Thanks to all.



HWAFM. obvious to most but i am least.

Hey all, I want to share with everybody the last hour of my Day...When i tried to add the shark pattern to the HWAFM "files", when i fiered up the machine(mt5) I was watching the Survey screen have a melt down/ heart attach stoke eplileptic seizer panic attack migrain allergic knee jerk reaction. I thought my computer was going to shoot off my desk, out the window and break the sound barrier before exploding on the moon, and landing in my front yard. so I shut her down, removed the files and then nothing worked. I unloaded reload restared rebooted then started over still nothing. Then, I went chart by chart added, the instrument and it asks " would you like to replace HWAFM_instrument with HWAFM_instrument?" I said yes, but before doing so I clicked reset. Then it woked rather quickly. So, my point is to anyone who has issues with the system not working, before going through the unload, reload, reboot, restart scenario, just try replace & reset first to see if that doesnt save you the irrigation of frustration.Thanks again.

Oh yeah, if ANYBODY has ideas on pattern filtration filters or adding patterns of maybe getting the RET to draw and expansion please feel free to be free and respond with some Feedback, Thanks everybody, for when the going get tough, the tough get reset.


and always leave a screen shot for us to be impressed by thanks it keeps up morale. and many thanks to all the Authors.


Check this out(if you want)(if not ignore)

I have been experimenting with the pictch fork and Zup_v110.. The waves hit on the pitchfork and the percentages are very close to the retracement tool measurments and also, on the four hour chart becaues of the deep angle of the pitch fork on the chart the Zup auto targeted zones were under the zero bar but when i scaled down the chart to get whole picture in view the targeted zone are actually into the future time which is not how the zup usually highlits the tergeted zones right?, which i find interesting. Does that make sense? if anybody has any ideas. Thanks in advance. if im wasting Forum realestate please advise, because sharing this stuff is helping me learn and discover more and more, it never ends the possibilities, I guess thats why I love forex so much, its infinite but exact. I like to think my understanding is that if a countrys currency is a bucket filled with X amount of water and the amount Y is added, at that exact moment the total is already detirmined as a whole and the waves created provide and exacting indicator to the predetirmined whole as equated to the exchange rate. I just want to figure it out. I know it there, the grail is there i mean here, its right in there right?



another example

ok, I found another example and it was easy i ploted it and the very first place i ploted the fork on this currency again the price hits 212.8 on the fork and I fibo tooled the way i usually do off the last wave from the top/bottom and they both line up at 212.8 rather exactly. This is all the forum realestate im taking up with this I just want to have some thought and bring this to the open so possibly get feed back. Also, I love the way the Fork brings out the 3rd dimensional aspects of an otherwise 2d enviroment like a time price chart but I gues space exists where ever you look at it. They say the universe is holografic and only is actually in flux visually while appearing to be looking at it, but maybe we arent looking at it maybe we are looking into it, from some place else and the proximity is an illusion via the body as conduit for introspection. pretty interesting really because that means the mind creates the universe not the other way around which means it is tiny and we are bigger then it really its a tunnel of sorts. Anyway enough bable, its cool either way. IDK anymore. These are patterns right?

I have been experimenting with the pictch fork and Zup_v110.. The waves hit on the pitchfork and the percentages are very close to the retracement tool measurments and also, on the four hour chart becaues of the deep angle of the pitch fork on the chart the Zup auto targeted zones were under the zero bar but when i scaled down the chart to get whole picture in view the targeted zone are actually into the future time which is not how the zup usually highlits the tergeted zones right?, which i find interesting. Does that make sense? if anybody has any ideas. Thanks in advance. if im wasting Forum realestate please advise, because sharing this stuff is helping me learn and discover more and more, it never ends the possibilities, I guess thats why I love forex so much, its infinite but exact. I like to think my understanding is that if a countrys currency is a bucket filled with X amount of water and the amount Y is added, at that exact moment the total is already detirmined as a whole and the waves created provide and exacting indicator to the predetirmined whole as equated to the exchange rate. I just want to figure it out. I know it there, the grail is there i mean here, its right in there right?


hey junkie

yeah looks good, there is probably a relationship with fib time there too, either z3/4 hl and lh goes to .80 or 1.27, maybe 1.618 and occasionally beyond on a longer shoot.

What are the settings there for the Pitchfork? seems like its on a very narrow range but back 2 or 3 zz's? can you post the template?

Past zup 95 there are the new settings which i'm not sure about, some of the first options are new in the indi...


by the way, whoever mentioned the AMP indicator, can you make it available here? Like the korharmonics it is not open for modification and the time limit is also on, which in my view makes it unusable, version 13 added some junk and removed some option from i think version 11, so if anyone has open version 11 please share... the guys making those ones seem bit annoying to me, i don't want to involved in there Skype forum either