CatFx50 - page 380


Interesting Articile


Here is the link to the articile about the volume of trading that occurs in each market.


hi all, thanks mibl for the recap, and to Nina thanks a lot for the trading system.

Mibl, is it possible that you can post o picture of USD/CHF for today trading. thanks. how did you enter this trade?

08:30cet: Level 4 long @1.2255, made a high @1.2304 (>09:30cet) => +49 pips**

thanks in advance.


Dave, thank you, I'll look forward to reading that. As I speak I am scalping usd/yen.

Dave, thank you, I'll look forward to reading that. As I speak I am scalping usd/yen.

Pretty good "scalp" --


level 3 and 4 instructions

Hi Guys,

Sorry to be the preverbial pain in the butt but could someone point me in the general direction of where i can find the rules for the level 3 and 4 entries, i have the 1 and 2 picture from the first page of this thread but cant see 3 or 4

BTW, this is a great thread, i love the fact everyone is open and honest about what they are doing with this method, it makes for a very happy heathy atmosphere, a pleasent change to other places i have been.

I am realatively new to trading in general and am looking for a nice easy method to use and learn from.

I thank you in advance for your help.



Hi Guys,

... could someone point me in the general direction of where i can find the rules for the level 3 and 4 entries, i have the 1 and 2 picture from the first page of this thread but cant see 3 or 4


I put some of the postings about these rules into a doc file which I am attaching -- maybe this will help.

catfx50.doc  133 kb


Hi Kiwigold.

Thanks for the info m8

appreciate it greatly.




Hi geoffro,

You can also go to post 3601 and find an illustration with all the levels.




Thanks moneyline

shall go there now

btw the thread you have going on money management is looking very interesting. I am looking at this subject at the moment trying to workout the best way to go.




hi all if the majority of people would just consentrate on trading the method and spend less time tweaking they would stop demoing and start making money the only thing you absolutly know before entering any trade is how much am i willing to risk once you have that how much do i want to make know you have 2 targets enter trade till one of them is met based on sound TA along with the signals