Trading Strategies Based On Digital Filters - page 108


where are teresh messages?

Yes i know...I don't like censure so i won't write anymore here...Goodbye to everybody

they dissapeared


Another version of this useless indi

Vers 1.3.2

I have corrected a bug about the arrows and lines :now you can add two or more indi in one chart and have for each one lines and arrow.Before two or more indi in one chart couldn't stay together.And i have rewrite some var in the code and now is more readable(this is just for coder...)

I hope that you like this little change and below there is a "static screenshot"...Do you have ever seen a dynamic screenshot????



Ok guys i have decide to post my T3 Macd:you must have T3 developed from Master Mladen in indi folder ...I hope that the usual "asker"will be happy of this tool(not grail,but no repaint and better of traditional macd)...Obviously till the new grail... in this or other tread who cares:they look around for the magic indi again and again and again.

"Oooooh your indi is useless because i have made 10 trades all wrong"!!!!When you will learn(to)trade without any magic indi,then you 'll discover the true power of them...


Macd Hma

Ok guys i don't know if this is properly a digital filters,but i'll share with you another macd based on Hull moving Average.You must have Hma indi in your folder indicator.


before going

Yes i know...I don't like censure so i won't write anymore here...Goodbye to everybody

of the forum could you post your macd or teresh macd?thanks


Censure is sometimes needed.

Imagine, you take the place of Newdigital and you see this amount of posts teasing, cheating, robbing, selling, etc, you should react in order to maintain the reputation of the site.

Don't quit Leledc because of some IDIOTS !


I deleted 103 posts totally for 1 month in this thread.

Sorry guys ... but it was a lot of flooding messages ...

It is digital filters thread which I started long time ago and when I stopped - some members (Simba and some others) continued it in right way.

But sorry - something wrong was started 1 month ago - a lot of flooding messages ... 103 posts deleted!

Open the other thread and post whatever you want.

As to Browser v5 so as I remember - it was the image/screenshot in some thread ("something interesting ..." thread) posted long time ago and I received a lot of requests from many members of the forum about "please give me this indicator". If I remember - crodzilla posted that image long time ago. But I received requests and I did not have this indicator ... and was busy with those requests for 1 month ... so ... if you are posting the image for attraction - just inform me about it ... or post indicator ...

Selling, not selling ...

If something wrong so the members are using Contact Us form to send email to me ... and I was reading reading, reading reading ... all 103 posts

Please, use this thread for digital filters only.

If something wrong - use Contact Us form in the botton of every page.

of the forum could you post your macd or teresh macd?thanks

I post just sh*t...You are disgusting!!!


Teresh or Mladen's MACD looks like goertzelized or fourier transformized version of this indicator to me. Simba gave an example (or posted a picture) of another transformized indicator in this topic.

I deleted 103 posts totally for 1 month in this thread.

Sorry guys ... but it was a lot of flooding messages ...

It is digital filters thread which I started long time ago and when I stopped - some members (Simba and some others) continued it in right way.

But sorry - something wrong was started 1 month ago - a lot of flooding messages ... 103 posts deleted!

Open the other thread and post whatever you want.

As to Browser v5 so as I remember - it was the image/screenshot in some thread ("something interesting ..." thread) posted long time ago and I received a lot of requests from many members of the forum about "please give me this indicator". If I remember - crodzilla posted that image long time ago. But I received requests and I did not have this indicator ... and was busy with those requests for 1 month ... so ... if you are posting the image for attraction - just inform me about it ... or post indicator ...

Selling, not selling ...

If something wrong so the members are using Contact Us form to send email to me ... and I was reading reading, reading reading ... all 103 posts

Please, use this thread for digital filters only.

If something wrong - use Contact Us form in the botton of every page.


I am astonished that no one else came up with something similar since then (at least not publically). I just used the goertzel algorithm that was posted on this board long ago. I used the information from the algorithm and put it into an indicator... people need to start learning and doing for themselves.

I have written dozens of indicators/experts for myself. That is how I learned to program mq4.

ND, I apologize for my naivety. I did not post my screenshot for any attention... only to show what is possible. I had not realized the scope of the "neediness" of some people. I guess the drive for the search for the "holy grail" overrides human decency in some cases. It is unfortunate that most won't ever realize they already have "the grail."
