MetaTrader 4 Build 600 with Updated MQL4 Language and Market of Applications Released - page 25


hello, i have a precedence question.

for old mt4 code:

x = bool1 && bool2 && bool3 && bool4 || bool5; //old mt4 code

what was the precedence rule for old mt4?


Learn to search ... You're off topic.

  • These types of statements have the implication of scaring the masses. You'll have to explain more ... unless your intend is just scaring people.
  • Buy Mql4-Script-Vendor, I'm guessing you're referring to someone who sells MT4 software from their own shop and it includes a .DLL. ?
  • If someone is allowing a .DLL from a 3rd-Party Developer, they have allot more to worry about then Stealth-Updates.
  • If you know a way of doing this within mql4, please let us know, we'll inform the Service-Desk.
  • If your response is ... this isn't my responsibility blah..blah..blah. Then why bring it up in the first place? Wass-up with the scare-tactics?

It is not about scaring people, I really intended to update my software remotely to give advantage to users to have the last update. But I finally did not include that, because I felt it would be unethical. Nothing against updates, but the user must learn why and control when and if.

  • If someone is allowing a .DLL from a 3rd-Party Developer, they have allot more to worry about then Stealth-Updates.

  • There is nothing particularly special about DLLs
  • If you have ever turned on "Allow DLL imports", because a script needs to use the Windows API, then it could be doing anything.
  • For example, it could use the Windows API to write a .vbs file and execute it, and the .vbs file, via COM, can do almost anything.
  • If you are frightened of "Allow DLL imports", then so be it.
  • But casting assertions specifically on DLLs, rather than on the ability to make external calls, is - to use a phrase of your own - "scare tactics"
Ovo: Nothing against updates, but the user must learn why and control when and if.
  • I agree the users must learn why ... however most of them don't.
  • Should I setup Windows for my Mother's PC, I'd leave updates Download && Install automatic.
  • Meta-Trader (again) is a trading platform and requires some level of sophistication.
  • Even with EAs, someone cannot just decide not-to pay attention to updated changes.
  • I do-not like allot of things Mq does but someone has to play the devils advocate here.
Please by all means ... use the other dozens of programming environments. If I had a problem with a business model, I do-not keep using the same product ... that's how consumers make their voices heard.

Sorry if it takes more days to decide whether I want to work on with this or not. I think I need some time to decide if I can trust

my money and/or programming jobs on MT4. The business model would be OK if done properly. It seems it needs to be lucky

in the future to survive these updates with unforeseen behaviour. I "only" want that a properly tested, documented, announced

update would be released into live use (... just like the way the professionals do). Nows only 4-5 days later we have version 604.


  • There is nothing particularly special about DLLs
  • If you have ever turned on "Allow DLL imports", because a script needs to use the Windows API, then it could be doing anything.
  • For example, it could use the Windows API to write a .vbs file and execute it, and the .vbs file, via COM, can do almost anything.
  • If you are frightened of "All DLL imports", then so be it.
  • But casting assertions specifically on DLLs, rather than on the ability to make external calls, is - to use a phrase of your own - "scare tactics"

  • Copying my style and phrases ... because its more effective ... I like that.
  • But anyways, Users should use .DLLs from trusted sources.
  • However, should a .DLL not developed by MQ cause some harm
  • Users should-not rant about how MQ is negligent.
  • I don't see how MQ gets blamed for stealth_updates through .Dlls
  • When you just said the Dll can do anything ... that's my point.

  • However, should a .DLL not developed by MQ cause some harm
  • Users should-not rant about how MQ is negligent.
  • I don't see how MQ gets blamed for stealth_updates through .Dll

Who are these people who are blaming MQ for stealth updates of third-party products via DLLs? Where are the posts about it on this forum?

This forum is full of people blaming MQ for a forced but non-stealth update of their own product, and investigating the issues. To use another phrase of your own, you seem to be going "off topic"

  • When you just said the Dll can do anything ... that's my point.

My point was that your post was materially inaccurate: you said DLLs but you meant "Allow DLL imports". This kind of inaccuracy - presumably deliberate - seems to be what you yourself call "scare tactics"

On now on to something more useful, in the form of helping somebody out...


meanwhile, while testing some EA code, i'm comparing tester results of b.509 and b.600.

b.600 tester has some heavy problems. M1, M5, M15 etc.. micmatched chart errors, i can not reduce them.

causing, prove of "working code" verification is impossible..


Sorry if it takes more days to decide whether I want to work on with this or not. I think I need some time to decide if I can trust

my money and/or programming jobs on MT4. The business model would be OK if done properly. It seems it needs to be lucky

in the future to survive these updates with unforeseen behaviour. I "only" want that a properly tested, documented, announced

update would be released into live use (... just like the way the professionals do). Nows only 4-5 days later we have version 604.

  • You make very good points here.
  • If there was some solid competition then perhaps things would be different.
  • Imo, Meta-Quotes got the business model correct back in 2005 by offering Free-Platform & Free-Date-Feed.
  • Ok, Brokers-Pay-For-It but someone starting out with More-Time than Money this is helpful.
  • I did some research on other leading platforms and they suffer from the following.
  • TS: Expensive, 1-Broker, Native-To-Futures Trading, Position-Centric. <-$100 Budget Fx Traders wouldn't go for this.
  • NT: Less-Expensive, Less-Brokers, Native-To-Futures Trading, <-Suffers for the same reasons as Mt5
  • CT: Newer, Less Features, Less-Brokers <-MT biggest competition, but still ways away.
  • I think MT need to make this Beta stable ... and they need to accomplish this fast.
  • As far as the Programmers on Jobs, They're some of the best programmers I've seen.
  • You can usually see their quality of work from old-Code-Base || within Articles.
  • They usually spend their time coding and not talking on the forums.
  • The programmers and websites pandering toward the live of .dll and plugins have self-preservation interests.
  • And yes ... there's nothing wrong with that ... if I fell into this class, I'd be singing the same songs too
  • Mql4_Markets and Jobs drives down prices ... and on top of that MQ wants 20% ... Ditto.
  • Readers on this forum just needs to be aware of the power-plays ... that's all I'm saying
  • My interest is that I do-not want to see mt4-die because of all the hype about this being Bad for Users.
  • When in actuality its all about the Benjamin $$


Learn to search ... You're off topic.

how you did know, which document is old and which document is new?

did you see any document, comparing old and new precedence rules?

are you running real money with your code?

not polite answer..