MetaTrader 4 Build 600 with Updated MQL4 Language and Market of Applications Released - page 9

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Sorry it's not something I have tested, have you searched your hard drive for *.set ?

I am not sure, because I don't remember the *.set I had before upgrade. But what I can see is that folder "presets" in my 509 version no longer exists, and that a lot of *.set files are in the new folder Users\myuser\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\[Long ID]\MQL4\Experts, just in the same place where my Experts have been copied.

It seems that MT4 600 upgrade DOES delete something... just the original files, because files are correctly copied.

Just a question: Will it be available in the near future multi-currency backtesting for MetaTrader4?

I'm very excited with this upgrade... But this major update would make me the happiest trader ever! ;-)


Just a question: Will it be available in the near future multi-currency backtesting for MetaTrader4?

I'm very excited with this upgrade... But this major update would make me the happiest trader ever! ;-)

I don't know any more about this than you do . . . if I had to give my opinion and guess, I would say no.
I a

I am not sure, because I don't remember the *.set I had before upgrade. But what I can see is that folder "presets" in my 509 version no longer exists, and that a lot of *.set files are in the new folder Users\myuser\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\[Long ID]\MQL4\Experts, just in the same place where my Experts have been copied.

Do you have any .set files in Users\myuser\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\[Long ID]\MQL4\Presets ?
Sorry it's not something I have tested, have you searched your hard drive for *.set ?

Hi RaptorUK, thanks for your reply. I have searched my whole PC including deleted files but can't find my set files anymore. I just hear from another user as well that he is missing templates, config files, logs, samples as well.
You didn't test it but was it tested at all?

Hi RaptorUK, thanks for your reply. I have searched my whole PC including deleted files but can't find my set files anymore. I just hear from another user as well that he is missing templates, config files, logs, samples as well.
You didn't test it but was it tested at all?
I assume it was tested . . . but I don't work for MetaQuotes so I know as much as you do about the testing that has been undertaken.
I assume it was tested . . . but I don't work for MetaQuotes so I know as much as you do about the testing that has been undertaken.

Ah ok, do you know if and how they (MetaQuotes) take notice of these kind of experiences/bugs?

Ah ok, do you know if and how they (MetaQuotes) take notice of these kind of experiences/bugs?
If you report them via the Service Desk with as much info as possible and an explanation of how to reproduce the issue then you have the best opportunity to get the issue investigated and resolved . . . I have reported issues regarding the "new" mql4 and they have been quickly fixed, but that was during the beta stage, any fix now may not be rolled out until the next build release . . . unless there is a major issue.


Anything wrong with this line of code?

double swing.value[4]={0,0,0,0};

The compiler keeps saying "'.' - semicolon expected" in all such of array declarations. I don't see the MQL4 change mentions about any change in array initialization.



Anything wrong with this line of code?

double swing.value[4]={0,0,0,0};

The compiler keeps saying "'.' - semicolon expected" in all such of array declarations. I don't see the MQL4 change mentions about any change in array initialization.

Do this instead double swing_value[4]={0,0,0,0};

The . are preserved for OOP.



Anything wrong with this line of code?

double swing.value[4]={0,0,0,0};

The compiler keeps saying "'.' - semicolon expected" in all such of array declarations. I don't see the MQL4 change mentions about any change in array initialization.

From the MetaEditor help file . . .


Identifiers are used as names of variables and functions. The length of the identifier can not exceed 63 characters.

Characters allowed to be written in an identifier: figures 0-9, the Latin uppercase and lowercase letters a-z and A-Z, recognized as different characters, the underscore character (_).The first character can not be a digit.

The identifier must not coincide with reserved word.