
Copies all key/value pairs from the hash table to the specified arrays, starting at the specified index.

The version that copies a hash table to the array of key/value pairs.

int CopyTo(
   CKeyValuePair<TKeyTValue>*&  dst_array[],     // an array for writing key/value pairs
   const int                    dst_start=0      // the starting index for writing

The version that copies a hash table to separate arrays for keys and values.

int CopyTo(
   TKey&      dst_keys[],                        // an array for writing keys
   TValue&    dst_values[],                      // an array for writing values
   const int  dst_start=0                        // starting index for writing



[out] An array to which all pairs from the hash table will be written.


[out] An array to which all keys from the hash table will be written.


[out] An array to which all values from the hash table will be written.


[in] The array index from which copying starts.

Return Value

Returns the number of copied key/value pairs.