Indicators are designed to predict price movement, and traders actively use them to gain additional information in order to decide when to buy or sell an asset. Indicators help avoid speculative price jumps during analysis, identify peaks and troughs, filter unnecessary things, determine when a trend can be changed, and much more.
If you focus on them, the number of losing trades made emotionally or due to incorrect predictions will decrease significantly. Therefore, indicators are the most important tool for a trader: trading without indicators, as well as their unskilled use, can lead to a complete loss of investment.
profitable ea mt4 is a profitable and fully automated Forex Expert Advisor for both beginners and professionals. This Expert Advisor is great for making long term profits. It is a proven short-term scalping system with outstanding results on many thousands of trades. The EA focuses on short-term intraday trading and places pending orders at possible breakout levels. This FX robot has a very high win rate, over 95%, when trading the EUR-USD currency pair on a 1 minute time frame.
profitable ea mt4 has a dynamic profit function that will close the trade as soon as it turns into a loss, and dynamic profit functions, on the other hand, will ensure the robot exits at the best possible time.
It provides a large number of Forex indicators, some of which will be difficult to master, but necessary. After traders understand how each indicator works and acquire practical skills, they usually choose several indicators for constant use - an average of 5-8 indicators. It is not enough to focus only on one or two of them, because in this case the market analysis will not be complete, and, as a result, the forecast accuracy is very low.
You should not focus on too many indicators at the same time - this will only hinder decision-making, because conclusions from these indicators often contradict each other. Choose the indicators that are most suitable for you, and do not have to be limited to the standard ones.