Bloomberg's Robin Hood Index: How much each person would get if the richest one in the country gave money to the poor?

Bloomberg's Robin Hood Index: How much each person would get if the richest one in the country gave money to the poor?

27 September 2015, 16:45
Alice F
1 397

How would the global wealth be distributed if at least one billionaire from each country became a Robin Hood and gave out his or her fortune to the poor?

Bloomberg's analysts took a spattering of 42 countries with completely different demographics and economies, and then compared the wealthiest persons to the percentage of the populations living in poverty.

What is notable is that the richest person in Chile, Holland, France and Australia is a woman.

The gauge shows how the net worth of each country's wealthiest person compares to the livelihood of his fellow countrymen by calculating the lump sum in dollars each person living in poverty would get if the assets of the richest citizen were redistributed. 

The net worth of Bill Gates would turn into a one-off payment of $1,736 if distributed to the neediest 15 percent of Americans. 

In Cyprus and Sweden the poor would gain the most, - $45,987 and $33,149 respectively, yet they are also exceptional, as they have small populations — the island of Cyprus in the Mediterranean has 1.1 million people — and quite high level of life — Sweden ranks among the highest when it comes to GDP per capita.

Moreover, analysts admit that quantifying the boost from each payout is hard because each dollar will buy you something different in local currency terms. The poverty line also varies from nation to nation.