NZDUSD Intra-Day Fundamentals - Employment Change and 18 pips price movement

NZDUSD Intra-Day Fundamentals - Employment Change and 18 pips price movement

5 August 2015, 08:04
Sergey Golubev
2015-08-04 23:45 GMT (or 01:45 MQ MT5 time) | [NZD - Employment Change]
  • past data is 0.6%
  • forecast data is 0.5%
  • actual data is 0.3% according to the latest press release

if actual > forecast (or previous data) = good for currency (for NZD in our case)

[NZD - Employment Change] = Change in the number of employed people. Job creation is an important leading indicator of consumer spending, which accounts for a majority of overall economic activity.


  • "Unemployment rate rises to 5.9 percent.
  • Annual employment continues its period of growth, but quarterly growth falls behind working-age population growth.
  • Labour force participation rate falls 0.2 percentage points, after record high in March quarter, Unemployed grow 0.3 percentage point.'


NZDUSD M5: 18 pips price movement by NZD - Employment Change and Unemployment Rate news event: