MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - page 764

I want to Want to give EX4 file of my EA to my friend. But want to make it sure that he will use it on his trading account only. What Code I can put to ensure that my EA will be used for specific trading account number. So that I can add friends account number & then compile EA & then give it to...
  Need Suggetion?  (7)
Hi, I am currently running EA for different pairs with different chart? now i wouldlike to combine with one EA. ie. one EA filters different pairs,different tf,etc.. Is this good idea or better to run EA with different chart? Your advice are welcome.
Can anyone have idea why this is happened to me? I am new to MQL and created an indicator to show arrow at specific combination of the candles. It appears correct for the past history but for the upcoming candles it requires refresh window. What could be the reason?
Hello, Since monday i've been running a total of 24 mt4 platforms in the portable mode, cause i want my platforms to look for their files in the installation map and not @ the metaquotes folder on the C drive. But since a few days all the platforms randomly freeze for some time.. I've been checking
Can anyone have idea why this is happened to me? I am new to MQL and created an indicator to show arrow at specific combination of the candles. It appears correct for the past history but for the upcoming candles it requires refresh window. What could be the reason?
The custom event can carry only very tiny data. The MQL4 event data is limited to three numbers (short, long, double) and a string (up to 65 characters), inclusive the event identification. Not really much for working with objects. I would like to append a custom structure to the custom event. How...
HI all trying to get email alerts to work and keep getting the above error message. checked with my ISP, have all of the info correct in the email box. checked the threads here for help nothing useful or applicable to my situation. Using build 625. So any help deeply appreciated Keith
Hi Everyone, Is it possible to run MetaTrader (and Experts ofcource) on so called dedicated Windows server (many internet companies give such service) ? Thanks, Edward
  EventKillTimer  (3)
Can someone give an example where EventKillTimer used ? Say if my trades have been filled, how do i stop the EvenSetTimer
Hi all, I have a global close function called when total open orders (equity) is > $100 This function is called on EURUSD chart. The function below isn't closing orders like USDJPY... in fact JPY's pair. Please help how to avoid the error message 4107 (Invalid price param): /*   Global Equity...
  help me fix this indi  (16   1 2)
I found this indi which looks very promising on backtest, but as soon as i put it in live, can see for yourself. However when I ran through the code it didnt make use of anything that really repaints, merely RSI, ADX ATR and momentum. I'm quote confused as to why the indi messes up in live...
I have a demo version build 625 from IG and have spent the last few days trying to get an EA to work. Does anyone know how to help me get an EA up and running. The Experts can be dragged onto the charts but do not seem to place trades. When running strategy tester the EA's don't work and I don't...
I have subsribed to one of the signal providers here. The issue is this trader had many open trades. And the moment I subscribed it 'synchronized' with his/her account opening trades at my account at a very very bad moment. How to avoid situations like this in the future? So only new signlas will be
New article MQL5 Cookbook: Development of a Multi-Symbol Indicator to Analyze Price Divergence has been published at In this article, we will consider the development of a multi-symbol indicator to analyze price divergence in a specified period of time. The core topics have been already...
Hello, PrintFormat No more than 2 decimal. With this script : //+------------------------------------------------------------------+//|                                              TestPrintFormat.mq4 |//|                                         Copyright 2014, Pierre8r...
Until today my EA worked fine. I am coding on it and compile it many times a day. Suddenly the G Data Internet Security gave a warning . MetaEditor contains a Virus. The G Data software blocks the MetaEditor. About the same time suddenly the ex4 of the EA gives an error: global initalization...
My EA runs fine when it is running on its own but if I try to run the same EA on a different Symbol at the same time on the same profile then the second one doesn't run very well or at all or there are lots of errors. This happens even if I use Symbol() and different magic numbers for the two
Hi guys, I wanted to post a couple of pictures, one for the report and one for the graph of an EA that allegedly can return spectacular profits. The rule is quite obvious, if it's too good to be true, it usually isn't true, but I wanted to hear more opinions about the theoretical possibility to...
  Membrain NeuralNet  (17   1 2)
Hi All, I wrote a wrapper for membrain... here the files for those how like to experiment with it. I haven't fully tested it yet. So any feedback is welcome Greetings, Russell -- fixed typo
Hi I have tried without any success to have the same demo account on my desktop, tablet and mobile. The desktop is running Win7 and the tablet and mobile are Android. On the desktop when I try to open an account it doesn't give me the option to choose GBP as the currency so, that messes things up...
Does anyone know where the Fibonacci Level file is located? The one that has default levels like 38.2. I added custom levels. I had to reinstall system. Is there a file that can put the system back in the state. I had it before I had to reinstall everything.
  problem with rectangle label  (15   1 2)
I'm using rectangle label as background and have a button above, when I click the button the parameter return rectangle label not the button. I set z_order of button to 10 but I still can't click the button. Please help. Thanks
I add the indicator through its right process i.e Program Files>>>Meta Trader>>Experts>>Indicator (Paste).. But it is not showing in Custom Indicator.. Need Help Please
Hi, need for my strategy to count entry price Close from yestrday specific time . examples Yestrday Close price on 15 min chart at 22:15 bar . I was traing lot of code but still nothing passed for me . Thanks for each idea.
I have two softwares I'm using and the charts for GBPUSD look completely different on the 1 hour time zone? Can anyone tell me how I can change the time on MT4 so it's working with my local time ? Thanks
Updated MetaTrader 4 terminal is available for testing on MetaQuotes-Demo trade server. The official build and news are to be released after conducting the tests and implementing all fixes. The preliminary build contains the following updates: Terminal: Completely revised built-in search. The new...
I have the following simple custom indicator based on the class CAppDialog. It creates a instance of MyAppDialog derived from CAppDialog. MyAppDialog in turn creates a instance of MyWndContainer derived from CWndContainer. MyWndContainer then creates an instance of a CLabel. If I now add this...
Hi, As a test of the DRAW_FILLING functionality with MT4 build 625, I wrote the following simple code: #property indicator_separate_window #property indicator_buffers 2 #property indicator_plots 1 // Plot 1 #property indicator_label1 "Candle spread" #property indicator_type1 DRAW_FILLING #property...
  working code  (1)
this one is work for me #define READURL_BUFFER_SIZE   1000#import  "Wininet.dll"   int InternetOpenW(string, int, string, string, int););    int InternetOpenUrlW(int, string, string, int, int, int);   int InternetReadFile(int, uchar & arr[], int, int & arr[]);   int...
Hi all, I was wondering if anyone could help me update an indicator to work with MT4 Build 625. It is showing up in meta editor as only having one error, I'm sure it will be a pinch for someone with the programming skills. Unfortunately that is not me. I know there are no slaves here but in...