MetaQuotes Software Corp. Starts the Automated Trading Championship 2006 - page 2


Found on some forum :

Have you looked at this code? It dosen't use MOST of the values set... call me "imaginative", but I bet this company "let" this one out of the bag... maybe as a test to see how often it pops-up in forums? Not sure if this could be considered code reversed from an .exe.

Just MHO.

This is after _manual_ decompilation. Not _auto_.
Do you know difference between manual and auto?
Greetings to Everybody,

Given that issues of trust any money making are flying real high, it would seem worth to look at the matter from a different perspective. Let’s forget for a moment about perceived risk (real or not) of submitting experts and examine other matter that are possibly worth consideration.

Everyone with their precious and polished to perfection experts or scripts wants one day, if it did not happened jet, open an account (the real one) and make money. Most of the traders are shopping for a broker. Why? Apparently there are better and worse brokers.

There is an opportunity here not only for traders to compete for the price, but also an opportunity for brokers to shine and/or compete for traders. After all, traders bring the money to brokers regardless, whether traders make or loose the money. I am curious to find, if the same Ea will score the same result with every broker assuming the same spread and other basic conditions.

Again and again, greed and fear the forces of the market place, even here.

If one is afraid of the risk of revealing the Ea because it has 10 million dollar potential, why worry about 80k. On the other hand if everybody worries about that so much, than perhaps the second grade Ea will do for everybody. I won’t speculate any further.

After all, it’s just a game.
After all, it’s just a game.

No, it's a living for most of us, and living is not a game.

After all, traders bring the money to brokers regardless, whether traders make or loose the money.

No, that's the theory. The reality for ALL MT brokers is that the money the trader wins is the money the broker looses.

I am curious to find, if the same Ea will score the same result with every broker assuming the same spread and other basic conditions.

Of course not. Even a single trader at a single broker has a different "treatment" (requotes, stops hunting, spread widing, ...) following he is potentially looser or winner.
Hi MichaelB,

I am not shure what is that you say.
On one hand it is not a game, it is living.
On the other you say:
"The reality for ALL MT brokers is that the money the trader wins is the money the broker looses."

Do you mean that for a living you have to not only have you real account groving, but also fight the brokers to get you earned money back?

When a trader is seeking a broker they are not interested in a few pips here and there.
What they look for #1 is Saftey of Funds. Is the broker regulated, can I withdraw funds easily, are they easy to communicate with etc........

Again and again, greed and fear the forces of the market place, even here.

You are spot on, I do fear some greedy person stealing my expert.

Enjoy your games.......................
I do not know all the difficulties of brokerage, because my job is to be trader, not broker. But what I know is if you win with consistency, specially with EAs, you will shortlly get a lot of little problems.
MT terminal is a very nice tool, but you shoud be sure the broker has also a full toolbox with a lot of stuff to make his job more profitable for himself (quote compressor, stops magnetizer, hidden spread wider, requote generator, ...)
Try to ask your broker about his dealer, or the banks he works with ! Then you will understand that most of the time you are trading against your broker. Where are the megabillions of liquidity ? There is always a interest conflict without solution, so trading becomes like a star war, robots against robots.
Recentlly I had a TP clearly reatched, even the trigger level was overleaped; my broker said it was "a false quotation" and "such problems are caused by the use of EAs". This is only a polite way to say "[censored] you".
From this point of vue, you are right, trading is like a casino game, a game where you are welcome to loose your money, but if you use a winning martingale, you will see the exit door not so far...
What I hope, is that this EA Championship is not an hidden way to find new tools against the best EAs there are now.
Who needs to promote automated trading ? The brokers sponsors ?

Best Regards
Hi mpfx,
If you know about broker that truly respects money of traders, my ears are open if you wish to say a word.

Hi MichelB,
Unless all what I hear and see is complete illusion, there are somewhere traders with reasonable size accounts making frequently 100pips worth lets say $100k. If this is true, where from broker gets money to pay trader. There is no free money. They have to come from those that lost. It would seem that, if broker does not have enough loosers to pay winners and make some profit, than broker has to suck it out of winners. Consequently, it would seem that, it is all stack up against us mini, micro, nano and pico-traders.

But what about big boys like banks. They would break any broker with the 1st few trades.

Is forex is the zero sum game less spread?
Or perhaps, Forex is zero sum game less spread and less broker greed.

My EA is still in works and I doubt I will have it ready for championship.

Who needs to promote automated trading ? The brokers sponsors ?

Michel, we need it, we said about it clearly and we organized ATC 2006. After several hours you will see the detailed conditions of Championship on its site - "MQL4: automated forex trading"

We understand that its looks risky from your side, guys. But we have said enough on this issue (here and other forums) and we have nothing to add. Some of you will take part, some will not. Its up to you now.

Best Regards, Lenar

PS: guys, please be respective and do not use obscene expressions (Rule #5).

My EA is still in works and I doubt I will have it ready for championship.

FX4EVER, you have a time till 25th of September.

You will have to send us EX4-file (compiled, not source code) and we are giving our garanties, that:
1. there will be only one copy of your expert.
2. only 4 man of our company will have access to it. And nobody else.
3. we will not use (or copy) your expert. It will be used only in Championship.
4. we will not give it to anybody.
5. after the end of Championship (25th of December) all experts will be deleted, undoubtedly.

There is a possibility that some bad guy may steal EA in your PC by hacking or physically. How do you block against stealing. Are EAs in your PC encrypted? I think compiling is not crypt.