Prop trading - is it a scam or is it good? - page 9


By the way, how do you propose to account for this 175 roubles?

If it is up exactly 3 months in advance and out on expiry, then 350 roubles should be deducted.

Because depository costs are only taken into account if there is movement in the shares (buying/selling).

And if for some reason you left in the same month (or entered the expiry month), then you need to deduct only 175 rubles.

How will the EA understand how much to deduct?


And then, for one pair (Futures Shares) it can be a huge amount, and for 1000 pairs - mizzero.

It all depends on the frequency of trading situations. I agree that for a large depo 175p won't play a big role. But not everyone has a large depo.

It's just that now this commission has to be taken into account as well.

Alexey Kozitsyn:

It all depends on how often trading situations arise. I agree that 175p won't make much difference on a large depo. But not everyone has a large depo.

Now we just need to take this commission into account.

It is clear that it has to be taken into account, but how?


This is understandable to take into account, but how to take it into account?

Perhaps 175p once at the time of entry. Implying that the money won't be idle for long and for the month of exit you will have to enter again.

Alexey Kozitsyn:

Perhaps 175p once at the time of entry. Implying that the money won't be idle for long and will have to enter again for the month of exit.

Makes sense, but then how do you account for the benefit?

I.e. we need to know how many days until expiry and how many contracts will be bought,

i.e. the % entry is calculated for 1 pair


For now I have decided to do the following:

deponalog:= Settings.DepoNalog/(Settings.MaxFut * ExpData.FutData.Lot);
Settings.DepoNalog - 175 руб.

Settings.MaxFut - Предполагаемое кол-во фьючерсов продажи (на скрине 100)
ExpData.FutData.Lot - кол-во акций во фьючерсе

Makes sense, but then how do you account for the benefits?

I.e. you need to know how many days to expiry and how many contracts will be bought,

because the % entry is calculated for 1 pair


For now I have decided to do so:

There is one more variant. Just make the depositor's commission an input parameter. If there will be several positions at the same time, to calculate the profitability of the first position with the commission, and the second and subsequent positions in this month - without taking into account the commission.


Makes sense, but then how do you account for the benefit?

I.e. you need to know how many days to expiry and how many contracts will be bought,

because the % entry is calculated on 1 pair.

Yes, you need to know the number of contracts and 175 equally divided by that value. Again in case the commission was not taken into account earlier in the month.


It goes something like this

//|                                                    SPOTvsFUT.mq5 |
//|                                     Copyright 2019, prostotrader |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2019, prostotrader"
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 2
#property indicator_plots   2
//--- plot Label1
#property indicator_label1  "Input %"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrLime
#property indicator_style1  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width1  1
//--- plot Label2
#property indicator_label2  "Output %"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrAqua
#property indicator_style2  STYLE_SOLID
#property indicator_width2  1
#define  on_call -111
#define  YEAR    365
input double StCB     = 7.5;    //Ставка ЦБ(%)
input double BBSpot   = 0.025;  //Брокер и Биржа СПОТ(%)
input double BrFut    = 0.24;   //Брокер ФОРТС(руб.)
input double BiFut    = 0.0066; //Биржа ФОРТС(%) 
input double BrExp    = 1.0;    //Брокер за эксп.(руб.) 
input double BiExp    = 2.0;    //Биржа за зксп.(руб.)
input double Div      = 0;      //Дивиденты(руб./акция)
input double NalogDiv = 13;     //Налог на дивиденты(%)
input double NalDepo  = 175;    //Комиссия депозитария (руб./мес.)
input long   NFut     = 100;    //Передп. кол-во фьючерсов к продаже
input int    aBars    = 40;     //Мин. Баров на графике  
  int exp_day;
  double spot_ask;
  double spot_bid;
  double fut_ask;
  double fut_bid;
  double fut_lot;
  double go_sell;
  double go_buy;
string spot_symbol;
int event_cnt;
MARKET_DATA ma_data;
double inBuff[], outBuff[];
bool spot_book, fut_book;

//| Custom indicator Get Spot name function                          |
string GetSpot(const string fut_name)
  string Spot = ""; 
  if(fut_name != "")
    int str_tire = StringFind(fut_name, "-");
    if(str_tire > 0)
      Spot = StringSubstr(fut_name, 0, str_tire);
      if(Spot == "GAZR") Spot = "GAZP"; else
      if(Spot == "SBRF") Spot = "SBER"; else
      if(Spot == "SBPR") Spot = "SBERP"; else
      if(Spot == "TRNF") Spot = "TRNFP"; else
      if(Spot == "NOTK") Spot = "NVTK"; else
      if(Spot == "MTSI") Spot = "MTSS"; else
      if(Spot == "GMKR") Spot = "GMKN"; else
      if(Spot == "SNGR") Spot = "SNGS"; else
      if(Spot == "Eu")   Spot = "EURRUB_TOD"; else
      if(Spot == "Si")   Spot = "USDRUB_TOD"; else
      if(Spot == "SNGP") Spot = "SNGSP";
//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
  int t_bars = Bars(Symbol(), PERIOD_CURRENT);
  if(t_bars < (aBars + 2))
    Alert("Не хватает баров на графике!");
  event_cnt = 0;
  spot_symbol = GetSpot(Symbol());
  if(spot_symbol == "")
    Alert("Не получено имя СПОТа!");
    if(SymbolSelect(spot_symbol, true) == false)
      Alert("Нет смвола с именем " + spot_symbol + "!");
      spot_book = MarketBookAdd(spot_symbol);
      if(spot_book == false)
        Alert("Не добавлен стакан СПОТа!");
  fut_book = MarketBookAdd(Symbol());
  if(spot_book == false)
    Alert("Не добавлен стакан фьючерса!");
  IndicatorSetInteger(INDICATOR_DIGITS, 2);
  SetIndexBuffer(0, inBuff, INDICATOR_DATA);
  ArraySetAsSeries(inBuff, true); 
  SetIndexBuffer(1, outBuff, INDICATOR_DATA);
  ArraySetAsSeries(outBuff, true);
    int window=ChartWindowFind(ChartID(),"SPOTvsFUT");
  ObjectSetString(ChartID(),"SPOTvsFUT_1",OBJPROP_TEXT,"Input: 0");  

  ObjectSetString(ChartID(),"SPOTvsFUT_2",OBJPROP_TEXT,"Output: 0");
// Custom indicator DeInit function                                  |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
  if(fut_book == true) MarketBookRelease(Symbol());
  if(spot_book == true) MarketBookRelease(spot_symbol);
  if(reason == REASON_INITFAILED)
    Print("Индикатор удалён! Причина - ошибка инициализации.");
    string short_name = ChartIndicatorName(ChartID(), 1, 0);
    ChartIndicatorDelete(ChartID(), 1, short_name); 
//| Custom indicator Get expiration  function                        |
int GetExpiration(const string aSymbol)
  MqlDateTime ExpData, CurData;
  datetime expir_time = datetime(SymbolInfoInteger(aSymbol, SYMBOL_EXPIRATION_TIME));
  TimeToStruct(expir_time, ExpData);
  if(ExpData.year != CurData.year)
    return(YEAR * (ExpData.year - CurData.year) - CurData.day_of_year + ExpData.day_of_year);
    return(ExpData.day_of_year - CurData.day_of_year);
// Custom indicator On book event function                           |
void OnBookEvent(const string& symbol)
  if((symbol == Symbol()) || (symbol == spot_symbol))
    ma_data.exp_day  = GetExpiration(Symbol());
    ma_data.fut_ask  = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_ASK);
    ma_data.fut_bid  = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_BID);
    ma_data.fut_lot  = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_TRADE_CONTRACT_SIZE);
    ma_data.go_sell  = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_MARGIN_INITIAL);
    ma_data.go_buy  = SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(), SYMBOL_MARGIN_MAINTENANCE);
    ma_data.spot_ask = SymbolInfoDouble(spot_symbol, SYMBOL_ASK);
    ma_data.spot_bid = SymbolInfoDouble(spot_symbol, SYMBOL_BID);
    double price[]; 
    OnCalculate(event_cnt, event_cnt, on_call, price); 
// Custom indicator Calc In Value function                           |
double CalcInValue()
  double depocomiss = NalDepo/(NFut * ma_data.fut_lot);
  double comiss = ma_data.spot_ask * ma_data.fut_lot * BBSpot/100 * 2 +
                  BrFut + BiFut * ma_data.fut_bid/100 + BrExp + BiExp;
  double divNalog = Div/100 * 13;
  double divWaite = 0;
  if(Div > 0) divWaite = ((Div - divNalog) * ma_data.fut_lot * 13/100/365 * 20);
  //--- TODO ---
// Custom indicator Calc Out Value function                          |
double CalcOutValue()
  double comiss = ma_data.spot_bid * ma_data.fut_lot * BBSpot/100 +
                   BrFut + BiFut * ma_data.fut_ask/100;
  //--- TODO ---

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const int begin,
                const double &price[])
  if(prev_calculated == 0)
    ArrayInitialize(inBuff, EMPTY_VALUE);
    ArrayInitialize(outBuff, EMPTY_VALUE);
  if(begin == on_call)
    for(int i = aBars - 1; i > 0; i--)
      inBuff[i] = inBuff[i - 1];
      outBuff[i] = outBuff[i - 1];
    inBuff[0] = CalcInValue(); 
    outBuff[0] = CalcOutValue();
    inBuff[0] = inBuff[1];
    outBuff[0] = outBuff[1];
  inBuff[aBars] = EMPTY_VALUE;
  outBuff[aBars] = EMPTY_VALUE;
  ObjectSetString(ChartID(),"SPOTvsFUT_1",OBJPROP_TEXT,"Input: " + DoubleToString(inBuff[0], 2));
  ObjectSetString(ChartID(),"SPOTvsFUT_2",OBJPROP_TEXT,"Output: " + DoubleToString(outBuff[0], 2));
//--- return value of prev_calculated for next call
  event_cnt = rates_total;

It goes something like this

I think, for a complete, comprehensive study of the arbitrage topic, we need to make the display in two views: as you have + add a millisecond difference between updates of information, as well as in candlestick view, to assess the overall picture of the profitability.

Approximately like this (calendar for oil):

Alexey Kozitsyn:

I believe that for a complete, comprehensive study of arbitrage, we need to display two views: like yours + add a millisecond difference between information updates, as well as a candlestick view to assess the overall picture of profitability.

Two glasses work very fast, even on illiquid futures SPOTs are "flailing" with great speed

if((symbol == Symbol()) || (symbol == spot_symbol))


The point of the "Div hunter" strategy is that we risk-free buy stocks and sell futures.

If we catch a dividend, we get the dividend and the percentage at which we entered.

The market has long been settled, and you can't get 10-15% at the Central Bank rate of 7.5% per annum.


Two glasses work very fast, even in low-liquid futures SPOTs are "flailing" at a tremendous speed

We need to understand for entry whether we will be allowed to enter at good prices, that's why we need ms (I believe). Also, it would be good to see the density of the cup in real time (for long range futures).