From theory to practice - page 755


Nah, I'm here - I read the thread from time to time :)))

No time to write now - I have to earn a penny by the sweat of my brow to keep from starving to death.

It makes me want to ask. Doesn't your main job give you enough to live on?

Uladzimir Izerski:

It makes you want to ask. Doesn't your main job give you enough to live on?

:)) Yes, it does. That's why I'm not interested in suffering through 0-5% profit per month.

I need a breakthrough, a big one, a rush, whatever you want to call it. I need to sing. I want to drink from the grail.

Otherwise... Well, I'm willing to consider trading signals, as long as their author shines with intelligence on the forum. It's nice to have an interest rate higher than that of a bank with a guarantee of intelligence and responsibility. And there are none...

So, we wait...


:)) It does. Therefore, I am not interested in suffering because of 0-5% profit per month.

You need a breakthrough, a big one, a rush, whatever you want to call it. I need to sing. I want to drink from the grail.

Otherwise... Well, I'm willing to consider trading signals, as long as their author shines with intelligence on the forum. It's nice to have an interest rate higher than that of a bank with a guarantee of intelligence and responsibility. And there are none...

In general, we wait...

Bees, for example, may not be intellectually brilliant, but their honeycombs are flat.

Yes 0-5% profit a month is not much, but 0.5% a day is great.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Bees, for example, may not be brilliant, but their honeycombs are flat.

0-5% a month is not much, but 0.5% a day is great.

0.5% a day is great, but that's assuming the author also shines with intelligence and puts it all out there for free).

Yuriy Asaulenko:

0.5% a day is great, but as long as the author also shines intellectually and puts it all out there for free).

Why free?

Strangely enough, for example, you have managed to demonstrate some training and knowledge. But there is no signal :))) So what? Where's the freebie? There's nothing. Nothing.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

0.5% a day is fine, but as long as the author also shines with intelligence and puts it all out there for free).

What intelligence? I have a mother-in-law who's 95 years old. She's a healer in the footsteps of her ancestors. I only press the keys she assigns in the morning. The results are not modest. There's something in nature that's incomprehensible. The smart can't, and the illiterate 98% legitimately predict. A confusing reality).


Why for free?

Strangely enough, for example, you have managed to demonstrate some training and knowledge. But there is no signal :))) So? Where's the freebie? There's nothing. There's nothing.

And there will be no signal. I don't need it.)

Uladzimir Izerski:

What intelligence? I have a mother-in-law who is 95 years old. She's a healer in the footsteps of her ancestors. I just press the keys she assigns in the morning. The results are not modest. There's something in nature that's incomprehensible. The smart can't, and the illiterate 98% legitimately predict. It's a confusing reality).

Yes, I too have heard it said that success in trading has nothing to do with education or level of intelligence. Someone here suggested that mice and cockroaches should be used for trading).

Yuriy Asaulenko:

And there won't be any signal).

My wife would make money on a good signal too, but my mother-in-law can do better. Nature gives talents)))

Uladzimir Izerski:

Bees, for example, may not be brilliant, but their honeycombs are flat.

0-5% a month is not much, but 0.5% a day is great.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

0.5% a day is great, but provided that the author is also shining intelligence and put it all for free).


Why free?

Strangely enough, for example, you have managed to demonstrate some training and knowledge. But there is no signal :))) So what? Where's the freebie? There's nothing. Nothing.


0.5% a day gives you a 231% increase for the year.

That's more than a threefold increase in capital.