From theory to practice - page 1342

Evgeniy Chumakov:

I agree in principle, but as they say, no one is forcing anyone.

That's fine. I don't insist that I or my wife be registered right away. Let it be as it is.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

I agree in principle, but as they say no one is forcing anyone to.

said the eva would fall and it did.

So, are you convinced?

the only question is why?

but history is silent on that and will continue to be silent on that.

All we have is conjecture and analysis, rock and roll as usual, no more...

Renat Akhtyamov:

said the eva would fall and it did.

So, are you convinced?

Convinced of what?


Evgeniy Chumakov:

Convinced of what?


Renate's gift of foresight.


In Renate's gift of foresight.

Renate has had the greatest result in the past week, my compliments.

A few more winning streaks like that and I will believe in his formulae forever.


Renate's gift of foresight.

It is not a gift, but the result of work.


Renate's gift of foresight.

I say Eva will grow


I don't remember when Renat told me ;) maybe he was dreaming


Rena has had the best result of the past week, my compliments.

A fewmore winning streaks like that and I'll believe in his formulae forever.

Sash, "theory and practice", how much philosophical sense that makes...

All analysis is theory.

And practice is done without analysis, much to the misfortune of theorists.

In fact, I have two formulas (in total, there is no more), strange as it may seem. One for practice, the other for theory.

I may have inadvertently confused many with this, there was no way of understanding me.

The signal was made according to the FormulaE, which is for practice. Naturally, it is enough.

Don't try to analyse it. There are no direct or indirect hints to the strategy in it.

I deliberately smeared the trade in both price and volume, and closed early and opened from nothing.

Eva will fall to 1.1123. Then a long correction, a flat. And then you can buy.

You may throw tomatoes if it is not so ))))

The signal will not work. That's all there is to it.


Renat Akhtyamov:

Sash, 'theory and practice', how much philosophical sense that makes...

All analysis is theory.

And practice is done without analysis, much to the dismay of the theorists.

Consequently, the FormulaE is two, oddly enough.


I have nothing to say... I've been following your signal this week. At one point I wanted to shout, "Well, why don't you close?!!!"

But, you showed great class - you did everything on time.

This is not flattery, just a tribute.

Traders should be praised sometimes, not just shamed.

Good luck to you.


I have nothing to say... I've been following your signal this week. At one point I wanted to shout, "Well, why don't you close?!!!"

But, you showed great class - you did everything on time.

This is not flattery, just a tribute.

Traders should be praised sometimes, not just shamed.

Good luck to you.

It's going to end badly anyway. You can't escape fate.)
Tired of guessing - rise or fall, guessed or not guessed.
I went into arbitrage. Profits are small, but sure.
But, in between you can do your fortune-telling.)