From theory to practice - page 1044

Yuriy Asaulenko:
Not only a philosopher, but also an egocentrist.
Who needs you to predict you? And are there many willing?
Pardon me, I'll be at the counter in the morning.

Okay, okay, I'm poking my head in, pardon me, it's Sunday, I don't have to work tomorrow like you, I'm relaxing, fooling around, mocking, so to speak)


Here is a pamphlet on matstat methods for determining the trend.

The author has many other interesting texts.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

In the end, it came down to the 26 wealthiest individuals equalling the wealth of 3.8 billion people on the planet. This is the result of the Nobel economists' desire to serve the public good. This is a vice of the market economy, i.e. capitalism, but unfortunately humanity could not come up with a better one.

normal distribution in people's income. as in everything in nature.

Aleksey Ivanov:
Again, the scheme is logically constructed and I agree with it. For example, our (Russian) rouble is severely undervalued and this is a consequence of the political setup.

who says it's undervalued? "the big mac index?")


It's a consolation for poor and miserable losers :) They can't get rich, so they found comfort in a beautiful Jewish fairy tale that the rich will be punished in the afterlife. The buggers will pay for everything :) Later. And they will be poor and miserable in Paradise. We just have to be patient.

There's another opinion. If you suffer in this world, you'll have a hard time in the next. And vice versa. Enjoy everything you can while you're alive :)

Protocols of the Sorcerer Stamenov.


The coincidence of some of the things and "weirdness" described in the book, with my own observations of the surrounding reality, I at one time shocked.

There is no belief in the Jewish religion about heaven and hell


There is no belief in the Jewish religion about heaven and hell

There seems to be - Gan Eden and Gehenom.


who says it's undervalued? "big mac index?")

Not only this index, which gives 70% undervaluation of the Rouble, but also many other models, for example the Deutsche Bank Model, which gives 15% (for the economy, by the way, and this is a very significant figure).

normal distribution in people's incomes. as in everything in nature.

Bullshit! Man is great because he has risen above nature and that is the trend of evolution. And now a cancerous tumour, in the form of that bunch of people, is sucking all the juices out of the body of humanity, which, therefore, is withering away. Humanity, to be healthy and prosperous, needs to get rid of that cancerous tumour.
Aleksey Ivanov:
Bullshit! Man is great because he has risen above nature and that is the trend of evolution. Now a cancerous tumor, in the form of that bunch of people, is sucking all the juice out of the body of humanity, which, therefore, is withering away. Humanity, to be healthy and prosperous, needs to get rid of that cancerous tumour.

this is idealistic, the rest do not become members of the bunch because they are not allowed to, otherwise they would happily gobble up everyone else and there would be exactly the same bunch

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

This is an idealistic approach, the rest do not become members of the bunch because they are not allowed to, otherwise they would gladly devour all the others.

There is such a notion of a person's spiritual growth, if a person has not progressed on this path (which, I note, is not related to the development of intelligence), he sees everything, just in such a light, as you write.

For example, Mahatma Gandhi, if he hypothetically got into this pile (sounds like a pile of shit), do you think he would "eat everyone else".
