From theory to practice - page 1767


Not without a half-litre, I don't think so. ))

The newbies have already figured out that they were dumb and all they can do is make jokes.)


I suggest deleting pages from 1762 onwards.

completely off topic at all


The newbies have already figured out that they were dumb and all they can do is joke around)

Balance wags equity, especially for you))))

Just kidding, it's been a long time since it was on topic. Alexander can't see it yet)))))))))

Evgeniy Kvasov:

Well, flubbish is flubbish...

Tail wagging the dog, new series)))

the newbie realized that the balance is not static and is not a straight line

Maxim Kuznetsov:

I propose to delete pages 1762 inclusive.

totally off topic at all.

Right. Yes a moderator will come along imho. What the hell is this))))))

Evgeniy Kvasov:

Balance Wags Equity, Specially for you)))

You're kidding, you're kidding. This thread has been off-topic for a long time. Alexander can't see it yet)))))))))

that's what i'm saying, you only need to look at equity.

it's the lesser of two at Andrei's

yes, 5 pages of beginner's stupidity should be deleted

the beginner has understood that the balance sheet is not static and is not a straight line

The balance stands still, the equity dances with the market. What's up? What line?)

Yeah, 5 pages of rookie bullshit need to be deleted.

Don't be afraid of the old guys for you know who they are)

but fear the newcomers, for you do not know who they will grow up to be)))

Who's there? .......