From theory to practice - page 208

Roman Shiredchenko:

1. Exactly... :-)

2. it happens, IMHO, with a competent approach. Molding mine myself... While I'm at it...

3. Maybe I don't have to... Just a topic of interest... You can cut it all down...

Go ahead, everyone sculpts their own Grail, just keep in mind that the process may take decades. Alexander has been sculpting for over 10 years too, follow him!

As far as I remember this is Alexander's third reincarnation, there may have been more, I haven't counted for sure.

Renat Akhtyamov:

Alexander doesn't stiffen, he intrigues.

However, no one has seen his equity chart

I personally have not lifted a finger to write a code for this strategy.

Also,he crossed the profit threshold of 50 quid, which is no joke for a brokerage house and there may be further unexpected lievantos

You are contradicting yourself, you also seem to have succumbed to Alexander's charms. I thought you were doing fine.

Sergey Chalyshev:

You're contradicting yourself, you must have succumbed to Alexander's charms too. I thought you were doing just fine.

Any smart strategy has a right to life.

However, if it is calleda "grail", the only proof of it is the equity graph.

In this case there is a certain trick that catches on.

Personally, I'm still waiting for confirmation on the applicability of this strategy in trading.

If it passes some barriers, I will most likely try to implement it in code for sporting interest.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Well, he promised and promises to distribute it to all the poor, the wretched, the desperate and the weary. He's already summoning everyone. "My children, come and find."

Oh, come on, Yuri. You know I just work hard with everyone else.

It's hard. Today was a bad deal:

But I still got results.

Whoever needs it, write and I'll give away the Grail in the form of the VisSim model and explanations.


Oh, come on, Yuri. You know I just work hard with everyone else.

It's hard. Today was a bad deal:

But I still got results.

Anyone who wants it, write and I'll give away the Grail in the form of the VisSim model and explanations.

That depends on how you look at it.

she could have been on the plus side.


What a great joke, what a spark of humour!

Everyone has an opinion, just what form to express it in.This is for example....

Strange. Such an advanced maths person, and as it turns out, no basic maths.(

2.1.4. Квадратный трёхчлен
Пример 1 Разложить на множители квадратный трехчлен 2 – 4 + 3. По формулам и где найдём корни данной квадратичной функции: и Применяя формулу для разложения квадратичной функции на множители, получаем: Применим непосредственное выделение полного квадрата...

Oh, come on, Yuri. You know I just work hard with everyone else.

It's hard. Today was a bad deal:

But I still got results.

If you want, I'll give you the Grail in the form of the VisSim model and explanations.

Where is the result? Everyone knows how to draw a picture. Show me the real result.

Where to write to get the Grail?

Sergey Chalyshev:

Where is the result? Everyone can draw pictures. Show me the real result.

Where do I write to receive the Grail?

Well, as far as I remember, you already have everything.

But those who do not have anything - write to me in person.

The only condition I have is that the trader's posts on this forum are examined. If it is clear that the person has been struggling, but has not succeeded - please, the model is at your service.

Sergey Chalyshev:

Where is the result? Everyone can draw pictures. Show me the real result.

Where to write to get the Grail?

And what don't you like about the picture with the trades? I think it's already +72 quid.)

Yuriy Asaulenko:

What's wrong with your deal picture? I think it's +72 quid already).

Exactly, "Sort of".

Or to be more precise, not +72, but only 72, or more precisely 25+47.55 = $72.55.

I told you, it's simple, monitoring (signals).

Sergey Chalyshev:

Exactly, "Sort of."

Not +75 to be exact, but only 75.

I wrote, everything is simple, monitoring (signals).

What do you want from 0.01 deals? Imho, it is a very good result.

I personally do not need monitoring. I do not need monitoring. I am not going to analyze anybody's signals, I just did it directly in my post.)
