From theory to practice - page 202

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Why should I?

Let's go for the Nobel Prize together. I've already been given the address of the Committee's branch in Moscow, they said to ask Vasya. We should take the sorcerer with us. Just in case. If anything, we'll let him go first, as the most experienced.


I'm probably here from poking around all sorts of old stuff on the forum pro)), about the sessions:

Seasonality. Alexander, if you manage to go to milliseconds and build a normal distribution within each session, after all there may just be slumps in volatility at the junctions.

Принцип замены времени в интрадей-торговле
Принцип замены времени в интрадей-торговле
  • 2007.07.05
  • kamal
В вопросах анализа предыдущего движения цен важную роль всегда играет статистическая однородность наблюдений. В условиях, когда эта однородность имеет место, возможно глубокое изучение свойств процесса с целью выявления закономерностей, способствующих построению торговой системы. Однако общеизвестно и будет показано далее, что даже в первом...

I'm probably here from poking around all sorts of old stuff on the forum pro)), about the sessions:

Seasonality. Alexander, if you manage to go to milliseconds and construct a normal distribution within each session, after all there might just be volatility skews at the junctions.

If you find somewhere a probability distribution of time intervals between real ticks and probability distribution of increment rates - please post it.

If you can't find it, it's OK, I'll do it myself this week.


In a hurry, found something, run through, Alexander

Yury Makarov comment 36 and page 5 comment 42

here distributions so read
Тики: распределения амплитуд и задержек
Тики: распределения амплитуд и задержек
  • 2007.05.16
Скачал я данные с за несколько разных недель и попытался их проанализировать. Интересно девки пляшут, однако...
Econophysics. The laws of leapfrogging?
Econophysics. The laws of the leap?


The time intervals between two consecutive ticks can vary over a wide range. The distribution function of these time intervals decreases with decreasing Δt as (Δt)4.4.
Dmitriy Skub:

Yes, the ones))))

The distribution of thenumber of shares traded in one exchange trade (one tick), Q(x), definitely falls into the Levy range, i.e. the asymptotic ("tail") part of the distribution is well described by a law of the form x-ς, where 2>ς>0, if we consider a cumulative distribution function .