Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 463


convergence of orders - it's all done already... Dozens of pending orders, hundreds of market purchases/sales per day, but it's done by the people themselves,

without my involvement... but the dynamics of the movement.... only 1 point (ruble) per day (week)...

This is the fate of any illiquid, look at the stock exchange - a lot of such stocks))) There is nothing you can do about it, but raise demand/interest, i.e. "increase liquidity". I'll tell you a secret, but do not tell anyone - if you solve this problem programmatically as MM - it will be super super grail))))


and it works as it is, I take 1% when placing an order and another 1% when buying/selling.... so there's no spread as such...

But, I want to introduce margin trading in the system, with a leverage of 1...3...5...100... the volumes would go up dramatically and the market would freeze...

so i would like an algorithm for price movements, but i don't want to interfere too much ...

Unfortunately, "all bikes were invented a long time ago," your system needs either arbitrageurs who buy/sell at a better price and go to another market to make a reverse trade

or you need a floating spread, you widen the spread and then you get the most profitable price inside the spread, then you narrow the spread and deal... ;)

trying to... I've even made a poker game to play for lots... although one-armed is played more often :) - maybe later on i'll make a daily increase of 1-10 pips a day... maybe greed will pick up the trend...
The spread is basically floating, because it is set by the users themselves, as soon as a gap appears, they fill it with orders, reducing the spread to 1 point... although there were days when the gap lasted for days...
In theory, of course, here you need the "meat", investing in lots of real money, like DC advertising -, earnings, free stuff, increasing the capitalization of lots, but fuck the market is specific, time trade :), few real buyers (compared with sellers), well, purely software I can move the market down (technically exposing more and more lots to sell at a lower price (because I am the issuer of lots))
in theory, of course, we need "meat", investing real money in lots, like DC ads -, earnings, free money, etc. increasing lots capitalization, but the fuck the market is specific, time trading :), few real buyers (compared with sellers), and purely programmatically I can only move the market down (technically exposing more and more lots to sell at a lower price (because I am the issuer of lots))

What do you mean, the price is zero?

this is a complete lack of liquidity, with an unambiguous failure

the idea is, of course, that there's a need for "meat".

There is no other way, any market is a game that is kept alive by new participants, in fact it is a pyramid anyway, and the task of the authors of this pyramid is to let some of the participants earn money so they can PR for this activity

PS: the price should always be rocked, news, bonuses and promotions, in general there should be the illusion that someone understands how it works ;)

Eh... bonuses... :) I even offered a free ruble - you only had to enter your wallet to transfer the money - out of 1000 users, only 20 people responded... And even then the last one had entered 5 characters of his wallet - without specifying the full number... piss off...
Ehhh... bonuses... :) I even offered to give away a ruble for free -

bonuses and freebies are not the same thing! - Audience is different!

ZS: I remember about 4 or 5 years ago there was an auction of unprecedented generosity from jd.Com - Chinese retailer went beyond China, by mistake handed out coupons for a lot - a lot, I was carried away, invested just over $ 100, bought a total of $ 700 for coupons, many of my friends and co-workers told about the unseen freebie, well, exactly one person was 30-40, well, that's nobody bought it, even when I started getting free flash drives, poverbanks, lacy underwear from the Celestial ... All sorts of small things up to 30$, and even then, only one person - my cousin, he managed to write out a few flash drives and flashbanks.

In general, free stuff is a tricky thing, you either believe in it or not ))))

Igor Makanu:

bonuses and freebies are not the same thing! - Audience is different!

ZS: I remember about 4 or 5 years ago there was an auction of unprecedented generosity from jd.Com - Chinese retailer went beyond China, by mistake handed out coupons for a lot - a lot, I was carried away, invested just over $ 100, bought a total of $ 700 for coupons, many of my friends and co-workers told about the unseen freebie, well, exactly one person was 30-40, well, that's nobody bought it, even when I started getting free flash drives, poverbanks, lacy underwear from the Celestial ... All sorts of small things up to 30$, and even then, only one person - my cousin, he managed to write out a few flash drives and flashbanks.

In general, free stuff is thin, it's either you believe in it or not destiny ))))

That's my point exactly.

one of the two opponents still loses, no matter how much they put on their ears