Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 325



Don't get your head in the clouds. After all,chegevara555 has his own agenda. So I read it and think "What is this clown on the other side of the monitor? Chega! What a ridiculous show-off you are.

Now, in the studio.)

You're probably right, buddy. Those who cannot create their own thing and who get jealousy in their eyes, try to destroy it or prevent others from creating it. There's nothing we can do about it. Such is the world, such are we.
You're probably right, my friend. Those who are unable to create something of their own and whose eyes are flooded with envy, try to destroy someone else's or prevent others from creating it. There's nothing you can do about it. Such is the world, such are we.

I guess so... the cult has grown... even after my debunking...
"people want to be deceived."


people want to be cheated.

They have a right to be. And why are you breaking their buzz? Out of spite?

This is not bragging - it's important to learn how to hold the balance with correct analysis for further conclusions of the system, i.e. a system that can adaptively react to the situation.

As I wrote - an important element of automated trading is precisely the channel - but the channel is not in the form that we all used to see, but the channel, which is somewhat horizotal with no changes in levels - this is as they say the ideal, but it allows you to trade from maximum to minimum.

That's my point
They have the right. Why are you breaking their buzz? Out of spite?
I just don't want newcomers to waste their time on bullshit.
If Joker had started by posting the results of his monitoring, there would have been no interest in this topic.
But he started by posting fits with thousands of percentages.
I have read this thread, the same people have been sitting here for years like chained and have not found anything.

Now newcomers to the topic will look at Jokera's monitoring first, and understand what results they should expect.

GerbetX. Don't pour on, and don't pour on the lies. In fact, the monitoring was ruined because of the human element of the personality, which was caused by two (or one) people who were constantly badmouthing the Joker.

You can tell from the outside.

I think the conclusion is obvious!

The only thing that is disappointing is that Joker has fallen for the insults and failed to do the job, so to speak, of "fighting". And it turned out as stated below, only against the Joker himself.



P.S.: GerbertX ( and a bunch of other troll nicknames, under which someone called XXXXXXXXX resides... ): do you have any idea what a fool you'll feel now?

As for GerbetX,I get the impression that you put yourself in the role of judge, or maybe even God. After all, you're just flesh and meat with your ambitions, which are likely to get you into some bullshit...

If you hadn't read through the article, but had understood the projects on this site and other people's works on other sites with similar approaches, you would have understood the essence of their work. And then there wouldn't be all that verbal rubbish that has come through here.


GerbetX. Don't pour on, and don't pour on the lies. In fact, the monitoring was ruined because of the human factor regarding the personality, which was caused by two (or one) people who were slinging mud at the Joker time and again.

I totally agree with you! It's all about forum spoiling. But he's already left the forum, as he wrote... So these demons influenced him through the cosmos! 100% info.


I will wait a bit longer, of course, not wanting to be too hasty in summing up the results, but the picture is not rosy for Jokera just yet. Not that I'm surprised, but he really had a chance to prove his point, but it looks like alas...


My personal subjective opinion: it's sad that the epic called Jokeriad ends the way it does. For a long time Joker positioned himself as a competent trader. He was listened to and his ideas were tried to be understood and implemented in practice (by those who really wanted to). The trolls and just forum cunts are of course happy about this ending. But there is a group of people on the forum (and I know it) who really worked on Bablokos: researched, coded, tested. These are the ones who are probably a bit upset. The essence of monitoring, its purpose was to shut up the pussies once and for all, and give a chance to those who want to do something on their own, relying on the tips of competent "traders".

But... it didn't work out that way.

Z.U. A thought out loud: maybe there are no competent traders on forums at all? They simply have no time to pussyfoot around for three years! They work hard from dawn till dusk?


There is...but. But don't forget the adage - promise a man...a million and do with it whatever you want.

And there's no telling who you'll thank for - stupidly wasted time. But everyone was warned - what are you basing your conclusions on?

There were MMM, vouchers, etc. Well, no - people want to believe, even if they get screwed, but it's warmer to sleep, it's faith that warms them up.

Shit... What spoilage, what sausages - have you all fallen from the moon?

I'm not against Joker - but this monitor began with FOCUSES and ended in DUPLEX and that's the only fact in all time (4-5 )years.

And Joker needs to do his best to prove otherwise.

Write your arguments with at least some specifics on what you personally rely on - except that Joker is a handsome boy and knows how to post ......



Don't get your head in the clouds. After all,chegevara555 has his own agenda here. Here I am reading and thinking - "What is this good man on the other side of the monitor. Chega! What a ridiculous show-off you are.

I'm just giving my opinion on the monitoring (with arguments in the form of pictures and calculations).

Joker fans, if someone criticises their Joker god - they immediately lash out at such a person).


Now, in the studio.)

I am not interested in you)
You're probably right, mate. The one who is incapable of creating something of his own and whose eyes are flooded with envy, tries to destroy someone else's or prevent others from creating it. Nothing can be done about that. Such is the world, such are we.
You're incapable of creating something of your own, so you want to copy the Joker system, which, in fact, doesn't exist.