Ward 6 - page 27

Hehe. You don't have to have a PAMM for that. Just a real account, not a demo one, will suffice. I'll think about PAMM though.
You can tell right away, either an amateur or a crook. How will you confirm the reality of the account? With PAMM everything is clear, you can see everything there. PAMM does not have to have a public offer.

How do you suggest it is possible to "put up a real account"?
Are there any visible difficulties? The read only password is the same in its meaning, both on the demo and on the real account.
Are there any visible difficulties? The read only password seems to be the same in its meaning, both on the demo and on the real.
You can even just monitor. If there is anything.
You can tell right away, either an amateur or a fraudster. How will you confirm the reality of the account?
Heh heh. An amateur can be seen immediately, realistically. For example, reality is usually confirmed by the fact that the server (Alpari, let's say) you will choose from those servicing real accounts to gain access to the view.
No, no, I don't need any server, and I don't want to set up a mt, and a pamm with its statistics is just right. I have to say, if people want to watch the trades, at least show me the account.
Dr.Drain: Are there any apparent difficulties? It seems that the password read only is the same in its meaning, both on the demo and on the real.

It is the same. And then what?

If it's the same, you can't post it? Do I understand your logic correctly?


If it's the same, you can't post it? Do I understand your logic correctly?

I mean that it is as easy to post the read password for a real account as it is for a demo account.
No, no, I don't need any server and I don't want to set up a mt, but a pamm with its statistics is just right.
But given these characters, I will think about starting a PAMM.
But with characters like this, I would consider starting a PAMM.
And that's the right thing to do. The thread needs to be kept afloat, alternatively by changing the contingent.
Since theoreticians who are actually aware of the issues raised have understood the uselessness of discussion with the author, it is time to attract the traders. And there is nothing better for them than an honest, profitable and also based on a working strategy PAMM.

P.S. Just in case, I inform you that there is no irony in the text.
I am not talking about market stability. I am talking about the stability of the trading characteristics of the trading system. They are stable because of their statistical nature. And the market can wiggle unsteadily as it pleases.
So one of two things.