learn how to earn money villagers [Episode 2] ! - page 162

And why is that? :(
And why is that? :(

Because it works! :-)

That's how it turned out:


Because it works! :-)

As soon as you tell someone about something, it doesn't work any more

As soon as you tell someone something, it doesn't work
Not true... As soon as more People invested in the idea, made a profit and overestimated the risks, the idea stops working! :DD

Well it's the same thing, and we have enough pictures ...


That's how it turned out:

...is that a secret robot?

...is this a secret robot ?

Sov. secret). A bit of combing left to do.... and in the meantime on the tester:

EURUSD from 01.09.2012:

AUDUSD c 01.09.2012:

ptfg1.zip  78 kb

Sov. secret). A bit of combing left to do.... And for now on the tester:

Planning to be a Millionaire in a couple or three months already!? :)))))) It seems to me that no Man on Earth has ever achieved such success! :)))

As soon as you tell someone about something - it doesn't work

Not really. If you have something that works really cool - and the big players get wind of it - they'll interrupt the liquidity and change the market with your grail - and what works is no longer working.