Interesting and humorous - page 92


no luck either.... I was just too lazy to fight...

to my sarcastic question - is the device really checked and registered on the job order ? ... is the inspector certified ? there was the same sarcastic laughter... - Evgeny Vladimirovich, of course it is all there and registered ... (they have expanded it now ... :-)) had a smoke, sang about hard life... I have an A6... got away with two... also remembered my daughter unbuckled in the back seat...:-))


There is no need to fight, you have to be very friendly with the inspector, he is a human being :) The trick is the physical inability to unscrew the plates, which is not punishable by law :) Not every screw can be unscrewed, especially the one coated with epoxy glue. Rusty, you know, moisture, salt, CaCL2.


There is no need to fight, you have to be very friendly with the inspector, he is a human being :) The trick is the physical inability to unscrew the plates, which is not punishable by law :) Not every screw can be unscrewed, especially the one coated with epoxy glue. Rusted, you know, moisture, salt, CaCL2.

thank God, it hasn't come to this stage yet... the main question = Evgeny Vladimirovich, you understand that it is all for your own safety ....

answer yes, fuck, of course I understand... and in the pouring rain of Moscow to dive to the native ELO and steer away quickly...:-))

It's hard to complain about life on the A6 at all. It's not convincing.




The world has already been turned upside down. Doors must open so that they do not obstruct escape routes.

...evacuation routes must be of such width that, given their geometry, a stretcher with a person lying on it can be carried along unobstructed.

And above all: doors must open, just open. Regardless of whether your neighbour has forgotten to lock his door.