Interesting and humorous - page 54


- Give me five shawarmas, please, not, er, five shawarmas... Shit... Shawermen? Anyway, give me 3 shawarmas and 2 shawarmas!


A wife comes home. She is greeted by her husband.
Instead of greeting her, she says to her husband:
- Darling, I have come to the conclusion that we need a divorce!
- With both horns in favour!


Wife to husband:
- Sasha, I need to get two gold teeth in right away!
- One from the top, one from the bottom and seal it!!!

I'm driving along, nobody is bothering me, my beloved traffic police officers pull me over.
- Your papers... Petr Petrovich, why are your eyes so red at the weekend?
- I was just relaxing with some friends in the bathhouse...
- With girls?
- No, purely male company...
- Oh, with beer and vodka?
- No, we didn't drink anything...
- Come on, let's go breathe into a straw.
- Let's go...
The straw shows that I'm completely sober. I've got my papers back...
- You're having a lousy rest, Pyotr Petrovich!


Learning to do the Indian dance is easy: you screw in a light bulb with one hand and pet a dog with the other.


About the antenna.

What kind of lens you need to have to take such a photo.

I have my doubts that this is not a photo montage (as far as the antenna).


About the antenna.

What kind of lens you need to have to take such a photo.

I have my doubts that this is not a photo montage (as far as the antenna).

Of course it's a montage, it's humour. Look at the height at which her cables start to go (left/right) - in real life - that's how many km they would have gone...! :-)
Of course it's a montage, it's humour. Look at the height at which her cables start to go (left/right) - in real life - that's how many km they would have gone...! :-)
Or the dog is very small.
Or the dog is very small.

Exactly! :-)
Or the dog is very small.

is a maggot of a dog.

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Of course it is, the branch is humorous. Look at the height at which the cables start to go (left/right) - in real life - that's how many km they would have gone...! :-)

Disagree overall, Look, the antenna mast is triangular and there is a triangle of three beams inside every few metres.

If you rotate the picture up very quickly, then this triangle changes its orientation in space (widens)

At the bottom its sides practically lie in a plane of the photographer.


