TA or something you don't know about. - page 78


However, hello!
This guy's kind of a pig-as-a-saurus.)
This guy's kind of a pig-as-a-saurus type of guy.)

I think we'll soon find out if it's the same Peter.


I think it will soon become clear whether this is the same Peter.

The one, ask him while he's in a good mood!
That one, ask him while he's in a good mood!
Ask him... If he wants to, he'll tell you. If he doesn't, he won't. And there's no question about it - it's his.
Why not?
Exactly, why not?

Yes, his handwriting.

but why Zabriski?


Yes, his handwriting.

but why Zabriski?

Why indeed? It's Zabriskie.
So, what don't we know about TA?

With this question to Peter). He knows what you don't know about TA))))

And the purpose of this thread is to acknowledge the very fact of not knowing what you don't know about TA without knowing it.)

I could be wrong... let the host correct me...


Oh Lizanka, you can't even imagine what I know. But, I'm not saying anything. And you thought you didn't? Why not? Because you can't.
(laughing wickedly, like Lionel Luther).

What are you, possessed by a pig-saurus? )
Have you been possessed by a pig-saurus? )
Ahead of you... You can't imitate the originals, it depresses your own psyche.