EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 911

I agree with commerzbank that EURAUD is possibly at the start of an uptrend.
What, another drop? Wouldn't it be nice to knock the stops over for a change?

SVEC - what you have on 1 screen. i do not like McDi on 1 day. what we need = trend (where we go), when to enter the market, to guess how far the market will go (to place stops), exit the market. i offered you this strategy on the longtrend with the least effort. what is not to like.The trend = MA-50; the midline of pins is MA-20: MA-50 is a trend, look how it moves within the limits of pins = it is trending one week or even a month ahead.

fasklo >>:

SVEC- что у вас на 1 экране .Макди мне на 1 дне не нравится.Что нам нужно = тренд(куда идем),когда войти в рынок, предположить как далеко будет идти рынок(чтобы стопы раставить),выход с рынка.Я вам и предложил такую стратегию-на долготренд с наименьшими затратами.Чем не нравиться.Просто я и половины не описал что там есть-могу перечислить.Тренд=МА-50;средняя линия болей это МА-20:МА-50-это тренд смотри как он движется в границах болей=это тренд на неделю а то и месяц вперед.Зигзаг стандартный=показ как движется цена от одной грани боля к другой ступенями.Вот общий тренд и корекции.

Yada I don't quite understand how to set it all up and how it works!!!! So as not to clutter up the forum, can we chat and help set it up? If you're ready to help and chat, here's
gip писал(а) >>
I agree with commerzbank that EURAUD is possibly at the start of an uptrend.

Euro-Aussie specifically? It didn't seem to be in the forecasts. I would've gone for a sell. :)

What's up???? 15 minutes ago the EUR candle went down to 1.0582 and a sell order set at 1.3940 was triggered. Although the price has not even come close to this level!!!!!! Is this a server failure and what's up????

Ежедневный обзор по рынку FOREX (Форекс) от маркет-мейкера (Банк ВТБ).

Issue from 01.02.2010

In the past two weeks, the dollar was able to continue to rise and updated its lows for the year. However, the strengthening of the dollar did not come at the expense of the dollar-yen. On the contrary, there was a return of the crisis correlations, as we wrote about in our last review. The Euro-dollar, the Euro-yen and, to a lesser extent, the dollar-yen were all declining. Stock markets were also down, with the Dow Jones Index falling from a high of 10729 to a low of 10043. The statistics coming out of the US were not too encouraging until yesterday's Friday. Home mortgages, secondary and primary market home sales showed a decline. Weekly jobless claims started to rise again. Negative sentiment in the Eurozone (problems with budgetary discipline in Greece and Portugal) contributed to the rise in "risk aversion". Otherwise, the upgrading of reserve requirements in the Chinese banking system as well as the publication of a reference in the FOMC decision statement on January 27th that FOMC member Honig voted against the "prolonged period of ultra-low interest rates is guaranteed" might be regarded as reasons for rising optimism. However, monetary tightening, on the other hand, is hitting the stock market. On Friday Dow Jones fell 0.52% despite the release of the staggering Q4 US GDP growth estimate of 5.7% YoY according to the first estimate. But at least the USD/JPY was able to show some upside on that data, after posting a low of 89.12 last week, it went up to 90.91 and is now trading at 90.40.

We still believe that until we see the Dollar rising at the expense of the outperforming Dollar-Yen, the Euro-Dollar will not start rising. The return of the crisis correlations (falling risk appetite) in the current situation looks rather strange, considering that still, despite very uneven data from the USA, the economic situation in the USA is improving. In this sense also the growth of the dollar of the last two months looks strange. We have always written that the USA benefits from a falling dollar in a period of economic growth because a weak dollar supports American manufacturers. In fact the sharp rise in the dollar over the last two months is simply undermining the recovery in the US. US President Obama recently set an ambitious goal of doubling exports of American goods in 5 years and "developing new markets". It is very hard for us to imagine achieving that goal without a significant devaluation of the dollar; in order to achieve such a goal, the dollar must devalue by at least several dozen percent, if not a multiple. But the dollar has risen rapidly in the last two months, and this also looks illogical because the US Treasury has markedly reduced the amount of borrowing in recent weeks. For example, for the last two weeks it is only placing USD 10 billion in 4-week bills on Tuesdays (the usual volumes in the previous months was USD 25-30 billion) and on Mondays it is placing 3-month and 6-month bills at USD 23 billion and USD 26 billion respectively (the usual volumes in the last months is over USD 30 billion for both of these). Thus, the ongoing growth of the dollar is neither needed by the US Treasury to attract capital nor by the US economy because it is damaging for domestic producers. From this we conclude that the growth of the dollar is purely speculative. It will be relatively short-lived and is followed by a rather rapid reversal. However, it does not appear that this rebound in the dollar is over. We think that in the nearest future there will be a significant correction from the current levels and then we will see another renewal of the lows due to the growth of the USD-Yen.

OlegTs forgive me for asking, but why are you showing us these texts?
Are these your thoughts?
rustein >>:
OlegTs прости за вопрос, но зачем ты нaм эти тексты показываешь ?
Это твои мысли?

I have no thoughts, all these lyrics are DJ...

That's why I asked if it wasn't your idea, why do it?

I think everyone already knows where to read.

No offense, just asking.