EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 907


So when we talk about the US budget deficit, we are looking into their pockets?))

gip >>:

Иди сначала в школу доучись писать грамотно.

Let me give you a quiz - how do you spell freedom or svaboda?

Why any talks go in the political channel (everybody knows everything about everything there), then they start to argue about national issues, and then they start to figure out who is the worst and personal insults.I worry about one question =it is possible to make good money in the Forex market or Russia is going its own way and trading in Russia is a fraud through the Internet.

I don't know where it will go tomorrow. The Eurodollar seems to be down. The US GDP seems to be up. But the general analysis suggests that somewhere near either a lower point or at least a big correction.
I am not an expert in Japanese candlestick patterns but I think you mean GBP.
baltik >>:
Я не знаток японских свечных фигур но думаю gip ты имел ввиду GBP ему точно ничего не светит

GDP = Gross Domestic Product

sol писал(а) >>

GDP = Gross Domestic Product

You should have written gdp - I thought he made a typo.

don't mind.)


If correction from Monday I think that 1-1.4060,2-1.4250 should correct.

fasklo >>:

gip вы полностью правы,только у меня коррекция от 1.3930 рисуется.Сейчас долар пошел в низ -должно все лечь по своим местам.Ели корекция с понедельника то думаю два уровня 1 -1.4060,2-1.4250


But the zigzag and Fibonacci levels indicate that a strong level has arrived, it might be broken and even by inertia we might go a bit further, but correction should come. If the dollar flies this level, which it might, it may very well break 100-150 pips and your number is not far off.