EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1960

waitra писал(а) >>

I don't think so, screenshot:

What, nobody knows?

Right click - List of objects. And delete it.
RekkeR писал(а) >>

What indicators are fitted in this window?

only hma and SR levels, so they have been there for a long time, it wasn't there before
exi писал(а) >>

And he's going down.

and I'm still going to buy it.

waitra >>:

вроде нет, скриншотик:

Что, никто не знает?

I mean, it's just hanging (fixed), and the price points to the one opposite it, i.e. any price.
waitra писал(а) >>

most likely the account balance is approaching zero

IvGeniy писал(а) >>

I mean it's just hanging (fixed) and the price points to the one against it, i.e. any price.

it does not show its prices regardless of position.

I have the same properties as the labelled class.

I have always had time to remove it because I am curious what it is, where it comes from and what it is for.

>> balance is fine, nothing is threatening it, all transactions are in boo

Euro will go down - there will be a reversal now at 5min. On the H4 the Euro is in 1.3568-1.3596 range. It is unlikely to go higher on this H4 unless news...
I had one just like it.... it was from some trading system I had left (however, the deposit was drained...)
reflections :)
closing the gap is a must!!! it cannot be otherwise...

if someone dares to push the exchange rate up, it does not matter how much EUR they bought, let alone billion or trillion. there is a net of sells up there that the gap will close under such a pressure of cash, so no point in pushing the rate up, while going down is rather risky because there is an enormous net of baS :))

and because everyone's in a.... a "slightly" bigger gap than usual, so they sit and digest what it is and what to do about it.... it's all right - "closing the gap = Poslobnyak!!!"

p.s. and I'm tired of waiting for "Polozhnyaka", a few pips to do nothing (this is instead of movies, Hero 3, Solitaire, Saper, sleep, and a smoke break), beat half the minus already ...

p.s. 2. there is a great deal of truth in the anecdote!
Galina! Everyone is drinking to your health, I'm the only one doing salutes with the baiyas.

They're getting into the Euro, they're beating the villagers' feet, and then they're heading south.
3623 does not seem to be the limit, it will go higher.