EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1959

here we go again the candle closed inside the blue channel ..... can so lick the lick and go up to America .....

exi писал(а) >>

Can you please tell me where I can find EUR, GBP,CHF,AUD etc. indexes.....? >>Thank you.

Would this work? >>

My terminal has drawn a "jolly roger" icon in one of the chart windows itself, and when you hover over it some price appears, what is this about?


Doesn't it draw moose?

Shlendr писал(а) >>

>>doesn't it draw moose?

I don't think so, screenshot:

What, nobody knows?
waitra >>:

вроде нет, скриншотик:

Что, никто не знает?

And you make the chart smaller more and pay attention to the price, like just where it's hanging and what the price is there.
IvGeniy писал(а) >>

And you make the chart smaller bigger and pay attention to the price, sort of just where it hangs and what price is there.

Yes it is fixed in the bottom right corner, regardless of chart and zoom, if you hover over it the price is 1.3555 roughly (plus 10 pips)

waitra писал(а) >>

I don't think so, screenshot:

What, nobody knows?

I had one of these a week ago, I hastily deleted it, no longer visible

I set up a forex robot, let it work up a sweat... Buying dollars again

Shlendr писал(а) >>

I set up a forex robot, let it sweat... >> buying dollars again.

It's going down.