EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1447

strangerr >>:

Должны зацепить его.

continuing the theme of the news. Let's take a look at how the market reacts during the news on the bike

oleniknik писал(а) >>

look how just in time he woke up, just a shaman. just in time for the start of the movement.

>> I don't sleep with a tambourine for nothing.

Crisis is sometimes a good thing - there is a purge of all the dubious businesses, if it is clean then at least it will scare others away)
Who's the friend, will you introduce her?
oleniknik >>:

в продолжении темы о новостях. Давайте посмотрим на реакцию рынка во время выхода новостей по велику

I've watched all this many times before, the importance of news and movement don't even match closely, if you consider a 30-50pp movement of a pair to be a reaction to news, then watch the news.

One possibility is the formation of a head and shoulders or double tops to complete the reversal process and move into the active phase of the trend reversal

forte928 писал(а) >>

One possibility is the formation of a Head Shoulder or Double Top to complete the reversal process and move into the active phase of the trend reversal

Yes, there is a possibility that the eur is forming a head.
What's the aussie drawing? Is it a double top or an inverted dragon?
strangerr >>:

Я это все уже смотрел много раз, важность новости и движение не соответствуют даже близко, если ты считаешь реакцией на новости движение пары в 30-50пп, то следи за новостями.

The news triggers a major move for a period of time. it immediately takes 30-40 pips. then the market decides what is more profitable for today and then it walks. let's just spend our valuable time and attention and watch.

I want to understand it myself. Clearly there is a lot of water in the news. But when a reservoir of water is full there is bound to be a reaction. If it's not, then let's just drop it.

oleniknik писал(а) >>

continuing the theme of the news. Let's take a look at the market reaction during the news on the bike

the news is a noisy fluctuation as we could ascertain yesterday and last week - the point is always that it does not influence the general trend - it is just that most traders make lots of errors and losses during these fluctuations - the more orders the greater the risk of losses, Larry Williams wrote about it in his book.
Alexan писал(а) >>

Yeah, there's a chance the euw is forming a head.
What's the aussie drawing? Is it a double top or an inverted dragon?

There has been a trend of double top formation and reversal at 800p down for a long time