EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1444

strangerr писал(а) >>

Drew the right one, just didn't draw any conclusions from his drawing.

Every case has a different smell

Passengers have piled up to the north... The stochastic rails don't seem to be able to take it any more, they're going to break.
Vlad72 >>:

У каждого дела запах особый

So tell me what your drawing smells like, to me, for example, it showed the following targets, both ways, and why did you put it out there for us to see?
strangerr >>:

Ну так скажи чем пахнет твой рисунок, мне, например, он показал следующие цели, притом в обе стороны, а ты зачем его нам на обозрение выставил?

is the question to whom? The phrase about smells is not mine. And the figure is just for discussion. I personally think that we will go down maybe with a slight rise (maximum 30 - 40 pips and that's very slow) and then all the locomotive of a new model. very powerful.

And in general, I sit on another pair. pound yen waiting for the news at 11 30 Kiev from the bike. And on the ED I'm waiting for a bright movement. then I'll join in. HERE

oleniknik >>:

это вопрос кому? Фраза про запахи не моя. А рисунок просто для обсуждения. лично я думаю что пойдем вниз ну может быть с небольшим повышением (максимум 30 - 40 пунктов и то очень медленно) а потом все локомотив новой модели . очень мощный.

И вообще я сижу на другой паре. фунтйена. А по ЕД жду яркого движения. тогда подключусь. ВОТ

Sorry, my mistake, I meant to ask you: what is this beautiful picture about? When you post a picture, comment on it in some way.
strangerr писал(а) >>

Sorry, my mistake, I meant to ask you: what is this beautiful painting about?

I'm sitting here writing a poem about you. I remember being asked to show you Gun's drawing.
strangerr >>:

Ну так скажи чем пахнет твой рисунок, мне, например, он показал следующие цели, притом в обе стороны, а ты зачем его нам на обозрение выставил?

Tell me how you think it's worked up yet?

Gun писал(а) >>

I can't figure out what the top is at 3840, can you show me on a screenshot?

1.3838 is the high of February 9, last resistance left
There's something wrong in the aglitz kingdom, EB and FB have been out of sync since yesterday, running at odds. F is even playing along with the quid. The eb's going to be a bust, I think.
Alexan >>:

1,3838 - хай 9 февраля, последнее сопротивление осталось

Should snag it.