EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1114


here's the picture...While the order came in it closed with 90p...profit...

The trend line shows the area where the upside shot will come from


Значит все таки так называемый "медвежий шип" получается?

I don't know what the fuck it's called. I've been watching the minutes for the second hour now (pervert)... It's a very nice impulse, even the ratios of the waves are in accordance with Neely... The longest wave of the impulse is not less than 161.8% of the second longest wave - Glenn's obligatory condition.

But the expected correction was delayed. Apparently this five-wave correction was not wave 1, but wave A.

Now, logically, a pullback in the changeover and the Asians will pull up.
gip >>:
Сейчас по логике откат в пересменок и азиаты потянут вверх.

I think so too... And down probably in the US session or on Friday....

Nick89 писал(а) >>
Forte, what do you think in Asia will be a pullback or will it go further down?

The reversal at 1.3541 and a move down 90 pts to 1.3455 before 10-30 there is just news data coming out that should support the euro but I see in the news even worse than that should help the euro but there is an idea of a time point for the euro to go up.

mine is simpler)

Nick89 писал(а) >>
Forte think the Euro will bounce or will it go further down in Asia?

there is a reversal at 1.3541 and a move down 90 pts to 1.3455 before 10-30 there is just news data coming out which should support the euro but I see in the news even worse than that should help the euro but there is an idea of a time point for the euro to go up...there are four time zones that overlap.

OlegTs писал(а) >>

I suggest flipping a coin and doing the opposite ;)))

Oleg, it's not clear from this converging track where it starts, and consequently where the bullet will go at the end. I've been tracing on H4 for a long time, but I'm not sure I'm right. It looks very muddy, and the farther it goes the muddier it gets...

Alexan писал(а) >>

Oleg, it is not clear from this converging track where it starts, and therefore where the bullet will go at the end. I've been doing a track on H4 for a long time, but I'm not sure I'm right. Something cloudy happens, and the farther it goes the cloudier it gets...

It is not the time to trigger the triangle yet... Tuesday - Wednesday is the time when triangle should shoot on H4

it seems forte has had a tough day today =)