EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1108

Alexan >>:

При ее заработках она уже давно на самолете домой добирается ;-)

Как только 5475 пробьет, то наверное пошел.

Is 70pp not enough in an hour and a half?))

Thank you...

ChachaGames писал(а) >>

Galina, with all due respect, arguing with forte's forecasts is like going against the wind... but you wouldn't understand that... because of physiology :)))

he didn't shine much yesterday... and it's better to be without authority...

strangerr писал(а) >>

is 70pts in an hour and a half not enough ?)))

Yeah :))))

I wish I had 70p every hour and a half !



Galina >>:

Зачем же так грубо то ? !!!

Ну вы блин... нехорошо.

И еще !

Я просто обожаю Форте !

У него прекрасные прогнозы, Я каждый день их жду с нетерпением !!!

Он молодец !

Просто он торгует внутри дня, а я так не умею.

И каждый раз нельзя быть правым, для этого стопаки и придумали.

У Форте здесь попадания практически 90 % !!!

Sorry, no offence meant! HONESTLY! I apologise for not being able to convey in the message... It's just that I've been following his predictions for a very long time too...


All right, guys... smoke break.

I'm hungry... :)

syan >>:

вчера он не сильно блистал... да и лучше тут без авторитетов..

Guys, to tell you the truth, knowing the direction of travel is already a big deal, and you want to know the targets to the exact point.)))

I assume the following scenario for the franc...and accordingly the opposite picture for the euro...any thoughts and comments?

Give constructive criticism on this markup :)))



Galya, some cutlets for us too... I haven't had a poppy seed in my mouth since lunch :(

Strangerr, our people want all the waves up and down to the point, otherwise no authority :)))

Then they will say - well, yes, guessed this time ... Heh-heh-heh...

Forte is great anyway! Way to go!


Oh, come on, you guys.