EURUSD - Trends, Forecasts and Implications (Part 1) - page 1089

Alexan >>:

Жаль нет здесь смайликов. Сейчас у себя найду...

Если Вы изучаете волновой анализ по данной ссылке.... Мне искренне жаль. Это все равно, что изучать "Войну и Мир" по критике в интернете.

I have my own wave analysis as well as Forte's, everything is time-tested, but you saw, Shura, saw)))
strangerr >>:

Посмотри на предыдушие отрезки - сам поймешь.

look, the euro pound and there the euro is not rising

sanyooooook >>:

гляньте, евро фунт и там евро не растет

Why the pound????
Alexan >>:

Жаль нет здесь смайликов. Сейчас у себя найду...

Если Вы изучаете волновой анализ по данной ссылке.... Мне искренне жаль. Это все равно, что изучать "Войну и Мир" по критике в интернете.

yes, masterforex is as brainwashing as "billy willie" :) - but! it's worth noting nilly is no EWA classic

the market, unlike people, always tells the truth! you just need to learn how to read it ...

sanyooooook писал(а) >>

look, euro pound and there euro is not going up

What the hell :)))

The euro is down and the pound is down, what's heavier?

That's why your euro pound is going down ????

Galina >>:

Ну блин вы даете :))

Евра вниз и фунт вниз, что тяжелее то ???

Потому батенька и падает ваш евро фунт ????

Galina >>:

Ну блин вы даете :))

Евра вниз и фунт вниз, что тяжелее то ???

Потому батенька и падает ваш евро фунт ????

that's the thing, the euro is down, the pound is down and the euro is down, so the euro is cheaper against the pound

Acker is fast often ahead of the event, it's not bad to filter it out with an Avesom. If interpreted correctly they give very good results. They look good on the clock
strangerr писал(а) >>

I have my own wave analysis, as well as Forte's, everything is time-tested, and you saw it, Shura, saw it))))

Well, you're referring to Elliot's wave analysis, and now you're saying it's your own. I have nothing against it, on the contrary - I am for my own methods! All the more so, if they bring results. And what does this have to do with Balaganov? :) Simply to assert doubtful axioms...

I have a laundry concentrate conditioner in my bathroom. It says 1=3 on the label. Probably misleads kids, too.) It just says 1 bottle of concentrate = 3 regular bottles. So much for the axiom.

I think the evra has drawn a zigzag on M15 and it's time to finish drawing the C wave in the last triangle wave. This is of course only a variant, not an axiom.

It could be like this...

strangerr писал(а) >>


I've just come from there :)))

I wrote back to you...
