NATURAL INTELLIGENCE as the basis of a trading system - page 25


I am reminded of a joke from the time of perestroika (I am just 38 years old and perestroika "caught me").

The idea is this: "Cooperators came to Mikhail Gorbachev and started discussing their problems with him in the hope of getting, so to speak, advice in the spirit of the new thinking (as Gorbachev said - thinking).Well, they told him "We raise chickens and we have chickens on the farm started to die, just a mass mortality.What to do?"

And then the Secretary General says "Under the new mentality we need a new approach. Have you seen Malevich's painting "The Black Square"?", the cooperators say "Of course you have... Why is it here?" And the Secretary General says "No way...Black Square is the gate (key) to the energy. Hang copies of the painting on the walls of chicken coops (poultry farms) at the level of the chickens' eyes and the cosmic energy will dawn, heal and restore everyone.

Farmers left... A few weeks passed and they arrived again with the same problem, saying "It has not helped". Then the Secretary General said, "Draw a white circle inside each square". Farmers asked "Does it help?"A month later he has the same problem again. Gorbachev says "And hang garlands with colored squares, triangles and circles along the diagonal of the henhouse.The chickens will get a sense of novelty, a holiday and positive thinking will activate their immunity and overcome the infection. "The farmers left and did not bother the Secretary General for three months. Then Gorbachev himself got curious about the result of his advice. He found the coordinates through the KGB and called the cooperators asking "What's up?" They replied that there was no more problem, because all the chickens had died.

Gorbachev replied "Too bad... I still have HUNDREDS OF OPTIONS".

I suggest you decide for yourselves who is a Gensek and who is a farmer. I must say right away that I do not need to put anyone in the "chicken" format. I have no such associations, although it is clear who is a Gensek.

Ok, I will answer your questions, Prival:
  1. Natural intelligence is the brain, in this case the human brain. By "unnatural" I mean artificial intelligence
  2. The assertion that I am going to train anything is not correct. I am exaggerating the word "train". As this question is still very poorly studied, it is not possible to speak about it responsibly. In other words, brain is too complex system and has not been studied by us yet to speak about it in this way ("teach" etc.), however, there is no way out
  3. See point 2. And I never intend to "influence the pain or pleasure centre" or use similar methods in any way.
  4. Unfortunately, I cannot answer this question, or rather I will not.

I suggest you yourself to determine who in this thread - GENSEC, and who - farmers. I should say at once - do not drive anyone in the format of "chickens", I do not have such associations - although who is GENSEC is self-explanatory.

I've got it, ballistika. The GENSEK is you. You are the one who knows exactly what to do, how to trade, what to talk about and what not to talk about. True, the entrepreneurs, i.e. the male population of the forum, are in no hurry to follow your very clear instructions. But, IMHO, this only shows that what is going on here is hardly an anecdote.

I suggest that you yourself determine who in this thread - GENSEK, and who - farmers.Immediately stipulate - in the format of "chickens" no need to drive anyone, I have such associations - did not arise.Although who GENSEK - and so it is clear.Question of the series "And not in AMPERS - measured by the current?

I have identified, ballistika. GENSEK is you. You are the one who knows exactly what to do, how to trade, what to talk about and what not to talk about. True, the entrepreneurs, i.e. the male population of the forum, are in no hurry to follow your very clear instructions. But, IMHO, that only shows that what is going on here is hardly an anecdote.

Five kopecks from someone who has NOTHING in Ballistics strategy(in her words).

"We hardly ever hear orders anymore,
We're almost impossible to shepherd,
We're almost out on the track,
But only almost, only almost. "

AEROBICS ( Alice )

So, thinking out loud...

It is true that the entrepreneurs, i.e. the male population of the forum, are in no hurry to follow your very clear instructions.
Yurixx, try to formalise at least one impulse "from ballistics".
Specifically - why it starts and ends exactly where it starts and ends. And why the "correction" during impulse formation often reaches 100%. And then say "very clear" ;)

No Yuri. The answer is wrong. If it were like YOU suggested, I would ask "Who is the Secretary General in this thread?"... Take "help from the audience"...

As for the seriousness of what is going on here - I doubt it... Words, words... endless talks... There are so many of them in the Russian Duma - and the war in Chechnya has not yet ended... But they say everything is right and Putin did a great job...

Let me give you a hint...There are NO FARMERS on this thread...There are only SECRETARY-GENERALS...

The Chinese philosophy says "When it rains - the ground is wet, when the wind blows - the leaves ripple."I see that even the effects of news "swings" do not radically change the order of impulses. Everything is in a strict sequence.

I noticed a thread here called "How to trade on the Pound-Yen?".

But the first impulse is of a different value ... Personally, I know which one it is... And all others (seven) are calculated from it. Personally, I don't like this pair (pound-yen) only because of the deposit and spread, but otherwise I just sit around and organize pairs into waves and impulses (like some people like to fill crosswords).And I see that such a picture - with waves and impulses - exists for ALL pairs, only their value is different, so I absolutely don't care, on which pair to work, except of course for low-volatility ones - it's just a long song - waiting for the result.

About those who do not have a clue.

If a person has read all my detailed description and has SEEN TRANSFORMATION there - he definitely hasn't got it.

And about "not green newcomers to the forum" so I'm not arguing. I did not create a separate thread titled "A hare - who, runaway - freshly caught?

I pasted my comments into a thread in which I saw my old friends, whom I know and respect - and just wished them a Merry Christmas and a "present" thrown up. Yes, yes. Personally, I use this method gives at least double your deposit - weekly, and - in geometric progression monthly - and a REAL account.

I know my friends (they know who I mean) do not mind playing rhetoric and get into the thick of things - but they are professionals and not novices, so - no offense intended.

I do not know in whose hands it will fall. And I confess I have not even seen forum participants. The time has come for them to know, and God will give them knowledge. I will not violate God's will, or he will stop helping me. Such an egoist.

A selfish person is someone who loves HIMSELF more than another selfish person.


No Yuri. The answer is wrong. If it were like YOU suggested, I would ask "Who in this thread is the General Secretary?"...Take "help from the audience"...

Dear General Secretary! (The hall, in my person, came to the same conclusion as Yurixx. So here is a poem for you as a present!

Ethics is the same as discretion--
"Look not up from above, but down from above.
Respect another's impossibility,
# Respect another's impossibility #
To earn as much as you do.
В. Vishnevsky
Maybe it's just a revenge, because you read 99% of messages on forums devoted to forex and you do not want to live, but it turns out that there is life in forex, not only on Mars)
And if you read Taleb, it makes you want to live again: we know essentially nothing about the Black Swan statistics on Foreh (like the fact that the 1998 crash turned out to be ten sigmas)...

I put my comments in a thread where I saw my old acquaintances, whom I know and respect, and just wished them a Merry Christmas and a "present". Yes, yes. Personally, I use this method, at least double my deposit weekly, and in geometric progression monthly - and in a REAL account.

Just became scared for the future of the world, read your post and a tear slipped down his sleepy face ...
A simple calculation says that if you trade with this Mega Method in your REAL account
since the beginning of autumn and the initial deposit was not less than 30 U.S. krobs, congratulations, you are at least a multimillionaire.

I'm going back to sleep now... maybe I'm dreaming that a Man like that decided to be frank with us wretches.